mākoņa sviesta cibiņa - everything is cool & everything is smooth!

About everything is cool & everything is smooth!

Previous Entry everything is cool & everything is smooth!2. Aug 2005 @ 21:55 Next Entry

Hi cloudy, you have been added to the Members List at Woman Scorned - The Sherry Palmer Fanlisting!
Thank you for joining, and don't forget to put a link back up to to http://www.sarkgasm.com/fl/sherry if you own a websiteand haven't done so already!

P.S.tagad var arī mierīgi nomirt - čūskas sišana, dēls un koka stādīšana vairs doesn't matter :DDD
P.P.S. Listen, David...
Oma: calm
Skan: Depeche Mode - [101 (Disk 1) #08] Somebody
[User Picture Icon]
Date: 2. Augusts 2005 - 22:28
Listen, cloudy - es arī esmu pievienots!!!
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