I'll be Peter Pan and you just be pretty - [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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[Aug. 8th, 2016|11:52 am]
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a fever. swimming in the ocean. sliding down a hill. holding a sparkler. walking around at night. standing too close to the edge. planting a tree. hiding in hide and seek. waiting in line. finding something you lost a long time ago. long car rides. wind in your hair. opening a window on a windy day. sleeping in a strange room. waking up before your alarm. picking flowers. a warm drink on a cold day. coming home. writing a letter. going to bed early. skipping class. foggy mornings. glow in the dark stars. daydreaming in class. november days.  ice skating for the first time. long showers. sitting across from someone you love. debating. sitting by the fire. stargazing. walking in the snow. waiting at a bus stop. venting to a stranger. popping a balloon. going to a library. listening to old music. looking at pictures of a place you've never been. having something to yourself. closing your eyes in a busy place. old coffee shops.