Marts 30., 2015

Mana problēma šeit ir tāda, ka es prognozēju, ka ar augstu varbūtību state of affairs ir tāds, ka atšķirīgās viena tipa situācijās (un pat vienas situācijas kontrafaktos) es rīkotos atšķirīgi, depending on what is the shortest path and what's its destination (and very much depending on whether there are either backups of my brain or some kind of undo/clear option (e.g. quantum suicide works as envisioned)). Līdz ar to manu atbildi lūdzams traktēt tikai kā "all other things considered equal, I predict that my actions would take this course with higher probability than the alternative course but my priors are crap and there are too many unknown unknowns for me to actually put much weight on this prediction". :P

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