Jūlijs 1., 2021

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Kane's 1984 memoir, GCHQ: The Negative Asset, was confiscated by Special Branch, and remains unpublished.[6] The publishers of his first memoir, Robert Hale, were served with an injunction to prevent its publication.[3] Details of the manuscript of The Negative Asset were published in The Washington Post in 1985; Kane denied leaking the manuscript to the newspaper.[7] Copies of the Negative Asset were seized from its London publisher and from newspapers that had been considering serialization of its contents; police officers from Special Branch also travelled to New York to seize manuscripts.[7]

The publication of Kane's 1987 memoir, The Hidden Depths of Treachery was also subsequently halted by an injunction served on the publishers Transworld Publications, Ltd.[1][3] The two books had been written by Kane following his failure to end what he believed was the widespread existence of fraudulent activities in GCHQ.[1]


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