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Dec. 30th, 2011

Pirms pāris dienām es uzrakstīju šito.
Šodien es saņēmu vēstuli, un, labi ka sēdēju, tika atbildēts!

"Can you Create an promotional video like this for social media.
If you have better examples share them.
Share you advice and examples of other videos and intros you can create.
Tell me why I should hire you over others.
This will start off very slow but I will want to use the same person as we grow. I plan to have clients shoot two videos permonth that will all need editing and their own uniqe intro's and outro's.
You will be incharge of creating intro's and outtro's as well as music overlays."

Es esmu tiešām šokēts. Mans sarkasms netika uztverts. Līdz ar to varam mēģināt spēlēt tālāk, jāizdomā, tikai - KĀ.
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Dec. 28th, 2011

Brīžiem es vnk nevaru noturēties nereidžojis par šitiem pidarasiem. Pāris citāti:

I'm willing to pay $10 per videos between 3 to 5 minutes.

Non technical requirements:
*Strong command of written English language
*MUST have a proven track record in creating YouTube videos
*Skype account for interview and training
*Knowledge of online marketing
*Must be able to work independently to get the job done with little supervision

Technical requirements:
-Must be able to take our idea and make a wow video
-Must be VERY creative
-Own voice talent will be an asset

Pa vidu bija piemēri, kur bija TV ziņu kanālu cienīgi apstrādāts materiāls.

Tā kā biju saņēmis uzaicinājumu uz interviju, domāju, ka pienākas atbildēt, ja nu paveicas un dabūju beidzot pilna laika darbu?

"Hey, this seems nice!
10 bucks for 4-5 hours of professional work seems legit.
I think you are overpaying tho. As I would have to do everything on my own - planning, graphics, color correction, audio clearing and you would get all the income from the product, I think we should cut to 4$. That's what's charged to you. After sites fee I would get 3.60$ Easy money! ;)

Hope to hear from you!"

Parēķinam - ja es guļu 8 stundas un neizmantoju privāto dzīvi, kā arī ēdienreizes pavadu strādājot, es varu viņiem dienā uztaisīt 3 video. Sestdienas un svētdienas tak pa defaultu neskaitās, tas ir 210$ nedēļā! Pareizinam ar 4 nedēļām - 840$! 10% atvelk starpnieks - 756$ mēnesī. Kursu uz latiem rēķināsim rupji, jo, runāsim godīgi, pie šitādām summām, kurš skaita kapeikas, vai ne? Tas sanāks 375 lati! Un prieks par paveikto darbu un to, ka i interneta mārketinga zināšanas liktas lietā, i 7 gadu pieredze televīzijā. Visi laimīgi. Būtu nenormāli forši, ja mani paņemtu. Es nopirktu pats savu internetu un jums visiem 2 terabaitus uzdāvinātu. Wireless'a!

Pidarass, bļa.
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