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Mon 03.04.17 | 11:22
The baby boy or baby girl name Kritika comes from the Indian word which means, "Well Starred. A star, Hindi name for Pladeus, from the nakshatra Kritika." Hindi word which means, "A special diamond and a girl who starts something new very well.." India word which means, "creative." Sanskrit word which means, "CREATIVE."

Someone also suggested the name is an Sanskrit word which means, "Kritika comes from Kirti or kriti which means raga or song.." Us word which means, "petals of a flower." Sanskit word which means, "a starred."
Numerological Meaning (For Entertainment Purposes Only)
People with this name tend to be very spiritually involved. They are often found lost in thought, philosophizing and can be quite eccentric. They can be quite successful in an analytical field, or as a business owner

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