Nesen medijos bija ziņas, ka Latvijā katastrofāli trūkst IT speciālistu (whatever it means).
Iespējams, ka šajā grāmatā paustās atziņas var attiecināt arī uz šo reģionu .. un visu pārējo pasauli. Un citām nozarēm.
Grāmata nav lasīta, bet dažreiz pietiek izlasīt pāris recenzijas:
* As people were let go and jobs were combined, job descriptions started to look for people who had never existed before. And hiring managers added even more requirements to minimize the risk of failure.
* It has become easier and less risky to leave some vacancies open than to hire people who almost certainly lack the skills for these new super jobs.
They don't want someone who CAN do the job; they want someone who has already done the exact job. As the author points out, this creates a catch-22 situation for anyone who has skills, but not the precise ones for a particular job.
+ Lower unemployment rates for college graduates comes from the fact that they can also do the jobs only requiring a high school degree, possibly even better. The proportion of overqualified employees (at least three more years of education than required) is about 3X greater than that underqualified, and the proportion of overqualified has more than doubled over the past generation
Iespējams, ka šajā grāmatā paustās atziņas var attiecināt arī uz šo reģionu .. un visu pārējo pasauli. Un citām nozarēm.
Grāmata nav lasīta, bet dažreiz pietiek izlasīt pāris recenzijas:
* As people were let go and jobs were combined, job descriptions started to look for people who had never existed before. And hiring managers added even more requirements to minimize the risk of failure.
* It has become easier and less risky to leave some vacancies open than to hire people who almost certainly lack the skills for these new super jobs.
They don't want someone who CAN do the job; they want someone who has already done the exact job. As the author points out, this creates a catch-22 situation for anyone who has skills, but not the precise ones for a particular job.
+ Lower unemployment rates for college graduates comes from the fact that they can also do the jobs only requiring a high school degree, possibly even better. The proportion of overqualified employees (at least three more years of education than required) is about 3X greater than that underqualified, and the proportion of overqualified has more than doubled over the past generation
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