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Sun 03.07.11 | 21:55
Nekas jau tā īpaši kopš 1958tā nav mainījies. Problēmas tās pašas.

Huxley "Brave new world revisited" rakstīja:

"What is to be done? Obviously we must, with all possible speed, reduce the birth rate to the point where it does not exceed the death rate. At the same time we must, with all possible speed, increase food production, we must institute and implement a world-wide policy for conserving our soils and our forests, we must develop practical substitutes, preferably less dangerous and less rapidly exhaustible than uranium, for our present fuels; and, while husbanding our dwindling resources of easily available minerals, we must work out new and not too costly methods for extracting these minerals from ever poorer and poorer ores — the poorest ore of all being sea water. But all this, needless to say, is almost infinitely easier said than done. "

Huxley būtu šausmās, ka kopš viņa nāves (1963) pasaules iedzīvotāju skaits ir dubultojies.

(un arī
"Cannabis sativa is a less innocuous drug — though not nearly so harmful as the sensation-mongers would have us believe. The Medical Committee, appointed in 1944 by the Mayor of New York to investigate the problem of marihuana, came to the conclusion, after careful investigation, that Cannabis sativa is not a serious menace to society, or even to those who indulge in it. It is merely a nuisance.")

Comments {11}

  • [info]divi_g Link

    Man šķiet, ka viņš nekad nav dzīvoklis mazpilsētā vai laukos, un piedzīvojis, kā garlaikotie līdzpilsoņi trin mēles ap viņa "daudzajām personiskajām attiecībām".

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    • [info]hessin Link

      viņa idealizētajā, brīvo cilvēku sabiedrībā šādu indivīdu nemaz nav, bet reālajā dzīvē varbūt šim bija paveicies.

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