google: how to write a diploma work

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Sat 14.04.07 | 12:38


bullet Introduction
bullet Introduction into the topic of the diploma thesis
bullet Narrowing down the task
bullet Answers to the questions: Why is the diploma thesis useful? What is the goal of the work?
bullet Determine and discussion of the starting point
bullet What relevant methods/techniques are already developed in this research area (literature research)?
bullet Which conditions (for implementation: hardware and software among others) exist?
bullet Development of a (formal) solution model
bullet Critical evaluation of the literature: What can be used?
bullet Starting from the previous item, a concept for solving the task has to be developed
bullet Justification of the solution concept: Comparision to alternatives!
bullet This section must not include implementation details.
bullet Implementation of the solution concept
bullet Selection of tools (e.g. programming language)
bullet Documentation of important design decisions
bullet Critical evaluation of the implementation (test runs with measured run times, case study if possible, gaps in the implementation, useful future addtions,...)
bullet Conclusion
bullet Summary: What are the important results?
bullet Future work: What can/must be done?

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