kanariņš - September 29th, 2019 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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September 29th, 2019

[Sep. 29th, 2019|10:36 am]
Ja man būtu vara, es atceltu visu to simtgažu, simtpiecdesmitgažu, septiņdesmitpiecgažu u.c. svinības. Svini katru gadu vai nesvini nemaz, bet, nu, tās "apaļās jubilejas" un nepieciešamība tajās sajusties, izdarīties un iznesties kaut kā īpaši - nē.
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hehehe [Sep. 29th, 2019|11:27 am]
- Do you work in advertising? What type of act would you like to see headline the last night of Advertising Week's 2020 conference? Men twerking or Men in sparkly thongs?

A: )
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