kanariņš - December 30th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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December 30th, 2013

[Dec. 30th, 2013|03:46 pm]
Bet ta sanak, ka tie laudis, kas eiro samainija paris gadinus atpakal, kad kluva skaidrs, ka lv eiriki bus, ir dabujusi nedaudz vairak naudinas (kurss 1eiro=0.64lvl), neka sodien mainosie, ne? Vienigais, ka nauda uz prieksu klustot aizvien mazak vertiga, ta ka varbut tie pagatnes 64santimi ir sodienas 70, nez.
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[Dec. 30th, 2013|07:28 pm]
hohoho, lai arī jaunumi izskatās veci, tomēr tūkstoš gadus pēc loop-finding-jazz rec. šodien atkal sev atklāju Jan Jelinek, šoreiz Triosk sastapts.
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[Dec. 30th, 2013|08:39 pm]
he was interested in putting these notions to the test among university professors because he thought young men and women in academia “would be the most progressive on gender roles.” Not quite.

When men take time off to care for family members, their long-term earnings suffer—just as women's do. Here's why it's worth it.
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