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A Series of Double Lectures Actualising Post-structuralist Theories [Mar. 13th, 2010|03:07 pm]
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A Series of Double Lectures Actualising Post-structuralist Theories

With Franco Berardi Bifo, Katja Diefenbach, Antke Engel, Maurizio Lazzarato, Isabell Lorey, Erin Manning, Brian Massumi, Sandro Mezzadra, Angela Mitropoulos, Antonio Negri, Roberto Nigro, Stefan Nowotny, Jasbir Puar, Gerald Raunig, Judith Revel.
Organised by: Institut für Theorie and Vertiefung Theorie at the Zürich University of the Arts, in cooperation with the European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policies (eipcp) and Shedhalle Zürich.
Coordinated by: Roberto Nigro and Gerald Raunig.

«L’essentiel d’une invention est de faire s’utiliser réciproquement des moyens d’action qui auparavant paraissaient étrangers ou opposés; elle est une association de forces substituée à une opposition ou à une stérile juxtaposition de forces».
(Gabriel Tarde, L’opposition universelle).

The most influential theoretical current of the late 20th century is no longer as young as it once was. Emerging within the social and political context of the 1960s and the 1970s, «post-structuralism» was not a school of thought as such, and its protagonists did not necessarily harbour the same theoretical concerns. It was a period of intellectual intensity that brought about deep-reaching transformations in life styles and forms of knowledge, leading to new discursive orders and new social practices.

Today, many of its main protagonists – among them the theory-stars Foucault, Deleuze and Derrida – are no longer alive. Now it seems increasingly easy for the cooptation, decontextualisation and depoliticisation of such theoretical endeavours to occur. On different levels and in a variety of social contexts, «post-structuralism» reappears watered down, isolated and reduced to mere slogans within an academic mainstream.

In a series of double lectures, the aim of Inventions is to present contemporary positions of ‘post-structuralism’ and recompose, transversalise and queer its currents. A reinvention of the political and theories thereof may emerge from those very same marginal fields that have for decades been the source of nourishment: (Queer-) feminist praxis, critical production of art and knowledge, critical migration studies, social movements and extra-academic philosophy.

Maybe the term «post-structuralism» – never much more than an auxiliary construction to sum up very different theoretical currents – will finally become obsolete. Maybe it will be replaced by a new conceptual arrangement. Inventions aims to provide the necessary impulses that can make possible this new arrangement of concepts and its association with social machines.

25 March 2010, 18:00
Roberto Nigro & Gerald Raunig (Zürich)
Judith Revel (Paris)
Construire le Commun

6 April 2010, 18:00
Isabell Lorey (Berlin)
Angela Mitropoulos (Sydney)
Precarity, Precariat, Precarisation

6 May 2010, 18:00
Franco Berardi «Bifo» (Bologna)
Katja Diefenbach (Berlin)
Politics of Potentiality

Erin Manning (Montreal)
Brian Massumi (Montreal)

Maurizio Lazzarato (Paris)
Stefan Nowotny (Wien)

Sandro Mezzadra (Milano)
Antonio Negri (Venezia)

Antke Engel (Berlin)
Jasbir Puar (New Jersey)

Rote Fabrik
Seestrasse 395
8038 Zürich

More info at http://vth.zhdk.ch/?inventionen

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