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tie studenti, kuriem ir iekšā: [Mar. 6th, 2010|01:38 pm]
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Occupation at CSU Fullerton
FULLERTON, California – As of 3AM, CSU Fullerton’s 8-story Humanities building has been barricaded from the inside by some fairly heavy materials. Their communique below. Why Occupy? And Why the Humanities Building? (Updates Follow)[...]

Sussex Students Occupy Vice Chancellor's Office Against Cuts
Students have barricaded themselves inside the management offices at Sussex University. They are protesting against the Vice Chancellor’s plans to make 115 staff redundant.[...]

UC Berkeley Students Protest Racist Acts
UC Berkeley became the scene of yet another protest Monday when a group of students and supporters staged a “Blackout 2010” blockade of Sather Gate.[...]

UC Irvine PROTEST: 17 Arrested
Seventeen UC Irvine activists were arrested after carrying out an impassioned sit-in outside the school chancellor's office this morning.[...]

Berkeley, CA – Durant Hall is occupied
Berkeley, CA – Durant Hall (next to Wheeler Hall) is occupied. Hundreds have stormed this building (that is being renovated).[...]
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