15 Oktobris 2019 @ 09:20
Stay Aware  
It's easy to ignore miracles. We're impressed by magic tricks and clever illusions because they're big and theatrical, yet we tend not to notice the extraordinary ways that nature changes the landscapes and the skies of our world. Are you able to have faith in the kindness and generosity of a loving universe that's doing everything within it's power to support and care for you? If you're open to such an idea, there's every chance you'll see much to remind you of how protected you are.

 There's no such thing as a bad day that will only get worse. Nor does an 'ordinary' day exist. Every single day of our lives is special and holds the possibility of joy, delight, magic and success. It's just that there are days when we have to look a bit harder to find the potential because it's not where we expect it to be. And there are other times when we ready ourselves for an expedition, and prepare for a struggle, when the magic is just under our nose.

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[info]french_mime on 15. Oktobris 2019 - 19:13
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