26 Aprīlis 2009 @ 09:55
Spiediens nav brālis  
Agrs pamodiens, jau astoņos biju augšā. Vakar bij sāpīte, tāpēc neko vairāk nevēlējos, kā doties gulēt, aizmigt un nejust. Te nu es esmu ,vārtos pa gultu ar /joprojām/ sapampušu [sāpīgu] vaigu. Ārā aiz loga smuka saulīte, bet man jānīkst četrās sienās. Labi, nav ko gausties, sadzīs taču vai ne? vienmēr iedomājos, ka varbūt kādam ir sliktāk, a es te īdu par sūdiem.

Skatos uz banānu pāri istabai. smuks, dzeltens, garšīgs - varētu iemocīt vēderā.
Izlietne virtuvē atraugājās.
Garastāvoklis:: sūdīgs
trokšņi: Depeche Mode - Wrong
26 Aprīlis 2009 @ 14:49
vasaru gaidot  
26 Aprīlis 2009 @ 15:55
''Actually I am very glad that people can buy Armani — even if it’s a fake. I like the fact that I’m so popular around the world."
Giorgio Armani
26 Aprīlis 2009 @ 16:03
I Love Brains  
 Mans Zombatars.
26 Aprīlis 2009 @ 17:29
The X Files: I Want To Believe  
Dana Scully: Listen to me! I need your help!
Agent Mosley Drummy: I'm sorry. I - I can't help you.
Dana Scully: Then let me talk to somebody there with some balls who can.

Fox Mulder: I can feel you thinking.
Dana Scully: Sorry. I can't sleep.
Fox Mulder: Actually, I have a little something for that.
Dana Scully: Just a little something?

Dana Scully: What are you doing?
Fox Mulder: Trying to ignore you.

Father Joe: And where do they come from, then, these unnatural appetites?
Dana Scully: Not from God!
Father Joe: Oh, then from me? I castrated myself when I was twenty-two.

Assistant Director Walter Skinner: I know Mulder. He'd get to a phone and call first. He wouldn't do anything crazy.
[Scully stares at him]
Assistant Director Walter Skinner: Well, not *overly* crazy.

Agent Mosley Drummy: I don't believe this.
Fox Mulder: You know, that's been your problem from the very beginning.
Garastāvoklis:: slimīgs
trokšņi: Bruce Springsteen - Working on a dream
26 Aprīlis 2009 @ 20:32
You can spend minutes, hours, day, weeks even months over-analyzing a situation, trying to put the pieces together justifying what could’ve, would’ve happened. Or you can leave the pieces on the floor & move the fuck on!
Garastāvoklis:: karsti
trokšņi: teļuks
26 Aprīlis 2009 @ 23:25
Negaidīts brāļa un viņa draudzenes apciemojums. Un kas tad te! Dafne ar. plūkā manu aitādu un atrada zem gultas tenisa bumbiņu ko pievāca kā savu ;P Nebūs vientuļi. that's šitī. Un tad tās apdzērušo runas ''I love you and i always will..'' čmok čmok, hag hag. oh well.. might be true. Un visi nebeidz brīnīties kā es morāli visu panesu ;D Necilvēks nu.
Garastāvoklis:: jokains