14 Aprīlis 2009 @ 02:55
Best Buddies  



Zeppo Marks Brothers forša sērija. *thumbs up*

(on Nicky Constantino’s girlfriend Kimmy, who witnessed his murder, but doesn’t want to testify about it)
John Kelly: I don't wanna wind up a liar with this girl.
Andy Sipowicz: Yeah, I like to try and keep a promise to a witness once a year, just to remember the feeling.

Zeppo Marchansky: Woah, woah, woah, you made a mistake! I got one of these faces. People think I'm somebody else. Happens all the time.
Andy Sipowicz: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got the same problem. A woman stopped me on the street the other day. She says, "Bob, I thought you were just marvelous in The Sting."

(during uniform inspection for parade duty)
Desk Sergeant: Careful where you point that thing while you're out on the street, Detective.
Andy Sipowicz: What are you talkin' about?
Desk Sergeant: Your uniform. Those buttons poppin' off could be lethal weapons.

[rolling around the floor laughing]
14 Aprīlis 2009 @ 14:58
Otrais Rīts  
Viens no sūda papīrdarbiem ir padarīts. Jādomā kuru nākošo nomocīt. Gribu čurāt. 'Vari iet spiest!' No thanks, man tikai notecināt vajag. xP Es zināju, ka pagarinot sev brīvlaiku, dodu vaļu tam pastiepties vēl garākam. Bet nekas, es zinu ko daru. [vismaz man tā liekas]
BTW - Good job, Kelly x]
trokšņi: Flo Rida - Right Round
14 Aprīlis 2009 @ 19:31
I don't feel like going somewhere tomorrow either. Thats bad. I'm bad. Ārprāts, jau turpat astoņi vakarā. Tagad jādzīvo ar Bračku vienā bunkurā. Visai interesants pasākums. Jūtu, ka ilgi šito nepacietīšu. I need my own place. Got to move out and get a job. Hā hā hā. Don't full yourself. mhm, sarunājos ar sevi.

Jūtos mazliet izsista no sliedēm. Too much stuff going around.
Garastāvoklis:: apjucis