14 Jūlijs 2018 @ 23:29
Padzīvojis Anglijā suniskos apstākļos nez vai kaut ko no dzīves būs iemācījies. Es neceru, ne uz ko. Sen jau. Vairs ne. Bet lai nu atved sevi mājās, vismaz.
- ko tev atvest?
- atved sevi un būs labi.

Sametās skumji par visu un visiem. Tāpēc atvēlēju laiku, lai aizbrauktu nogaršot Tēva cepto pīrāgu. Turpat arī sanāca pārlaist lielo lietus šalti.

They have caused a lot of pain to us, but there is just something you can't deny.
Family is where life begins and love never ends..

Protams, ka vieta vienmēr atradīsies.
as always.

''we are all shaped by some incredible saddness, by a part of our past that still hurts.''
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Liene[info]liene on 15. Jūlijs 2018 - 15:59
par ģimeni mani nereāli uzrunā šis:

"Family" isn't defined only by last names or by blood; it's defined by commitment and by love. It means showing up when they need it most. It means having each other's backs. It means choosing to love each other even on those days when you struggle to like each other. It means never giving up on each other!" -Dave Willis

un ja strādā gan by blood opcija, gan šī... ai, ir skaisti :)
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Nestandarts[info]heishy on 15. Jūlijs 2018 - 16:03
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