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Dec. 3rd, 2020 03:50 pm 26 comments - Leave a commentPrevious Entry Add to Memories Tell A Friend Next Entry


Date:December 3rd, 2020 - 10:06 pm

Re: straight from the horse's mouth

Arī pārmijnieki mūsdienās ir nodrošinājušies - no 2009.g. cūku gripas vakcīnas Pandemrix izraisītās narkolepsijas, Gijēna-Barē sindroma un citiem neiroloģiskajiem traucējumiem cietušajiem Zviedrijā tika parādīta trekna piga. Latvija toreiz vakcīnu neiepirka.
Date:December 3rd, 2020 - 10:49 pm

Re: straight from the horse's mouth

Vakcinazi ir nodroshinaajushies - visas injekcijas ir bez liability

As early as 2006, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations, the global pharmaceutical-industry lobbying group, publicly demanded that manufacturers be granted protection from lawsuits associated with vaccine-related adverse events if they were going to participate in pandemic responses.
Date:December 3rd, 2020 - 11:06 pm

Re: straight from the horse's mouth

Lai atteiktos no tik (viņiem) drošas iespējas "grebt zeltu ar sviesta nazi" (zviedru sakāmvārds), būtu jābūt pilnīgiem idiotiem.
Date:December 3rd, 2020 - 11:22 pm

the King's will from the horse's mouth

Šis jau izklausās pēc Pasaules valdības ambīcijas: "Because COVAX will require national deployment plans for vaccines, it could make countries include plans for postmarketing safety surveillance."
Date:December 4th, 2020 - 12:08 am

Re: the King's will from the horse's mouth
