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Comments:Tur bija vēl viens teatralitātē līdzīgs brīdis, kad diskusijā par nodarbinātību Vides partijas vadītāja pēkšņi sāka asarainā balsī uzskaitīt, cik ledus izkūst Arktikā. Atbildēt netēmā, protams, ir ērta prakse, bet reakcijas šoreiz liecināja, ka iecietība pret to ir beigusies.
Nezinu no kura raksta, bet mani aizkustināja zaļo asaras jautājumā par viņu palikšanu riksdāgā. (gūgl transleits)
The Swedish environmental party Miljöpartiet superscared of losing power this election: "Our policy is so "hugely important" for Sweden that we must not loose" Published May 3, 2018 at 13.55 DOMESTIC. Within the Environment Party (Miljöpartiet), there is now a lot of nervousness and fear for the party to leave the Riksdag the coming election. This was said by the Environmental Party's Spokewoman Isabella Lövin in Aftonbladet on Wednesday. But they themselves believe that their policy is too important for Sweden for that to ever happen. The environmental party has been laying under the parliamentary barrier of 4% in recent investigations recently. In Aftonbladet / Inizio's latest survey, you will find them having exactly 4 percent. This has caused concern and fear for the Environmental Party's Spokeswoman Isabella Lövin and her party mates, as they risk losing power in Sweden. At the same time, however, she believes that the party will and must remain in the Riksdag, when the Environmental Party's policy according to her is so important for Sweden's future as a nation. - "I am overconvinced that we have such a hugely important policy that we work with and we must continue to work with," she said in the Aftonbladet. -"But, of course, we are very nervous about losing the influence and power to make a difference, I really hope we will be allowed to continue.", she continued. According to Isabella Lövin, her party has among other things "the world's most ambitious climate policy". tonkij namjok, bet nu kā var nebūt žēl šitādus labiņos: :'( Nu mīļi taču, un viņu galvenais darbiņš šogad bija mēğinājums 9000 afgāņu tēvočus iestāstīt par bērniem.
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Man vienkārši patika necerētā kontinuitāte dzīvajā televīzijā redzēt valsts premjerminisra non sequitur (kas iesākas ar skolnieciski tēvišķu Ōkesona uzrunāšanu), kam sekoja veids, kā Ōkesons atmeta ar roku(-ām), it kā "atmetot ar roku", bet vienlaikus it kā atrodoties repa cīņā uz ielas, no sērijas "come on, maan!"