November 26th, 2024 (05:02 pm)
pretīgā dzīve
ja man, izejot no mājas, desmit minūšu laikā: sāk tecēt tosols, mašīna iestieg un pārsprāgst riepa, tad, es neatvainojos, visi plāni var iet dirst, es eju gultā zem segas - viss, es vairs neesmu, hahaha, es vairs neesmu.
- Did you happen to notice how many times they shook the door? And for how long?
- No. Why?
- Well, I listened and I counted. There were three. The first was 10 seconds, the second attempt was 20, and the last one was one.
- Okay. So?
- The first was a test and the second, I think, was an actual attempt to break through the door.
- And the third?
- Amm.... frustration?