goldie [userpic]

October 3rd, 2022 (05:23 pm)

sarkanrīklītei patīk sēdēt uz maza ceriņu zara šausmīgi stiprā vējā. un brīnīties.
es apbrīnoju šos mazos putniņus. man prieks, ka tie izvēlējušies manu mājas priekšu par savu tusiņu vietu. čau, sarkanrīklīt!

The avian magnetic compass of the robin has been extensively researched and uses vision-based magnetoreception, in which the robin's ability to sense the magnetic field of the earth for navigation is affected by the light entering the bird's eye. The physical mechanism of the robin's magnetic sense involves quantum entanglement of electron spins in cryptochrome in the bird's eyes.[46][45]".