Заметки алкоголика и придурка


29.2.24 23:43

29.2.24 20:30

Ņirdzīgi kā, ja Ždanoka dzīvotu Krievijā, viņa neieredzētu krievus un Krieviju, vēlētos Putinu nost un Jeļcinu 2.0 virsū. Bet tā kā viņai un viņas "Krievu Partijas" boļševiku kamerādiem nākas dzīvot Latvijā, tad viņa uzreiz kļūst par krievu un Krievijas čempioni, lai tikai ieriebtu vietējiem 'naciķiem'. The way of the jew.
Ne velti mūsu pašu cibas ultražīds, Boris The Ctulhu, vienmēr tik ļoti silti atsaucās par visām iespējamajām politiskajām aspirācijām, kuras viņa šeit desmitgadēm propagandēja, protams, nesaucot vārdus. Divvalodība, krievu tiesības, monumentu saglabāšana, 'hahaha krievi nāk, nujau nujau, ko tik naciķi nefantazē'. Tas pats attiecas uz daudziem citiem cibiņiem un vispār "latviešiem", kas nesen apmeta kažoku otrādi pēc (((Vašingtonas))) sviples.

28.2.24 21:40

Israel has only a few decades of existence left. Jews have tried to juggle too many plates, have indulged in a chutzpah too far. Israel depends on the US to guarantee its existence, but Left-wing Jews in the US (and the West generally) have undermined the foundations of the race and civilization that sustained the very industrial and military might Jews in Israel were relying on. The US and the West generally, are finished, Jewish elites have killed them, killed their own golem - out of nothing more than sheer runaway spite that one bunch of goyim dared to stand up to them in the 1930s.

But with the US and the West goes Israel. The guttering torch of European civilization will be passed on to Eastern Europe and Russia, as Herder predicted, but (barring some miraculous turnaround) Western Europe and its US offspring have already been destroyed by the Jews. Places like the UK and France will be outposts of Islam, and much of the US will return to nature, full of niggers running around with bonespikes in their noses and plates in their lips. There will be nobody left to support Israel, it will be on its own. IOW, the Jewish elite, the Jewish race, has shot itself in the foot; and especially with this recent mask-off moment, this time it's the whole world that hates them.

It was always right that the Jews should have a homeland, should come to their senses and understand what having and keeping a nation means. That aspect of the Zionist dream was always correct. A "New Israel" in somewhere like Madagascar would have been perfect, a paradise. But the idea that it should have been that piece of land, Palestine, was just delusional 2,000 year old revanchism based on musty old religious texts. It's quite insane and couldn't possibly last, since Palestinians have all the justice on their side, and Israelis none.

28.2.24 20:38 - Cthulhu in a nustshell

Pedožīds pīār apsargā savus sabiedrotos, kanibālus, ar sofistisku gāzgaismošanu.

28.2.24 00:16 - tikmēr Briselē


20.2.24 08:08

Hans Hermann Hoppe's main argument in favor of traditional monarchy is that the King tends to consider his domain as his personal property and the inheritance of his sucessor. He has skin in the game and self-interest in the prosperity and stability of the kingdom. Longterm and short-term. That is how things should work - the interest of rulers and subjects should be aligned.

Compare that to a politician who only cares about the next election and how his popularity polls. Why do you think every single demockery falls into a debt trap or population replacement spiral.

It can be a biased indicator and is no guarantee, but insider ownership and founder's administration tend to be great indicators for a company's prospects for instance. That is why a company like CNQ can grow and prosper so fast while state-owned companies tend to flounder even with unfair advantages like a monopoly on a line of business or resource. The person running the government(or business) should have clear personal interest in its success.

18.2.24 22:43


18.2.24 16:32 - cilvēkiem vajag zināt ar kādu ļaunumu viņi konfrontējas


18.2.24 15:20

Don't worry about it, fellow white goys.


On a visit to Jerusalem in 2005, Rabbi Rosenberg entered into a mikvah in one of the holiest neighborhoods in the city, Mea She'arim. "I opened a door that entered into a schvitz," he told me. "Vapors everywhere, I can barely see. My eyes adjust, and I see an old man, my age, long white beard, a holy-looking man, sitting in the vapors. On his lap, facing away from him, is a boy, maybe seven years old. And the old man is having anal sex with this boy."
Rabbi Rosenberg paused, gathered himself, and went on: "This boy was speared on the man like an animal, like a pig, and the boy was saying nothing. But on his face—fear. The old man [looked at me] without any fear, as if this was common practice. He didn't stop. I was so angry, I confronted him. He removed the boy from his penis, and I took the boy aside. I told this man, 'It's a sin before God, a mishkovzucher. What are you doing to this boy's soul? You're destroying this boy!' He had a sponge on a stick to clean his back, and he hit me across the face with it. 'How dare you interrupt me!' he said. I had heard of these things for a long time, but now I had seen."



18.2.24 15:06 - žīdu "kultūra"

Jā, viņi grib mūs visus noslaktēt un bērni ir pirmais, kam viņi ķeras klāt. Ja mēs nenoslaktēsim viņus pirmos, tad viņi mūs.

18.2.24 14:40


17.2.24 10:34

Smieklīga tā grūpijošana ap Navaļno tikai tāpēc, ka (((masu mediji))) pavēl. Navaļnijs bija krievu supremacists, kas burtiski uzskata mūs visus par zemcilvēkiem, kuriem nav nekāda pamata eksistēt kā atsevišķām nācijām ar savu mazo valšteli. Vismaz šajā uzskatā viņš bija vienāds ar Putinu. Viņa domstarpības ar Putina režīmu nekādā mērā nebija saistītas ar tolerantāku attieksmi pret Krievijas kaimiņiem, tikai ar pašas Krievijas iekšējo kārtību. Man pēc būtības nav nekas pret viņu, varbūt viņš būtu labs valsts līderis, varbūt ne, bet masas, kas tic, ka viņš bija kaut kāds brīvības un progresa mesija ir apstulbinātas.

Kur, kā un kāpēc viņš nomira arī ir ļoti aizdomīgi. Ja Putins būtu gribējis, būtu viņu nomirdinājis jau sen. Priekš kam šo visu izstiept garumā un tad dot Rietumu presei kārtējo āķi, uz kura karināt Krievijas demoniskā bulija stereotipu? Izskatās pēc kārtējās izrādes.

14.2.24 20:35 - tautas ienaidnieki

Zazis u.c. progresīvie ienīst parasto tautu, kas godīgi strādā, lai sagādātu viņam milzīgus lielveikalu plauktus un tagad (beidzot) protestē pret oligarhu kontrolēto valstu totalitāro tirāniju, centienus iznīcināt viņu biznesu un pārtikas ražošanu Rietumos kā tādu, lai pa lēto izpirktu viņu zemes un padarītu šos cilvēkus par wage-sleiviem.

Tajā pašā laikā atbalsta to pašu sociopātisko, psihopātisko oligarhu apmaksātus slaktīvistus, ka 'protestē' par šizofrēniķu galvās sagudrotām lietām, traucējot augstāk minētajiem produktīvajiem sabiedrības locekļiem strādāt, dot maizi un aprūpēt savas ģimenes. Tipiskais sorosaktīvsts ir pusbagātu valsts birokrātu atvases, kas nekad mūžā nav strādājuši reālu darbu, neko neprot un parazitē uz vecāku/valsts/ngo rēķina. Parasti ir pederasti/pedofili/narkomāni/vegāni/zaļie/sarkanie/okultisti.

14.2.24 08:26

"Go into any country that isn't either some total godforsaken shithole, or woke, and you'll see clean (at least in relation to the likes of Paris) cities and subways one isn't afraid to take.

It's actually kinda funny how well this shit reflects in mass-transit. It's like a small microcosm of the society. The more progressive a country gets, the worse the experience – you meet more gypsies and niggers and what not that try to be as annoying as humanly possible (since progressive ideology has no interest in curtailing antisocial behavior). Naturally, the interior becomes more filthy and damaged, both from them, from various trash being "inspired" to do the same, and from total disinterest of progressive politicians to do anything about it (in fact, they seem to like it). And finally, once it's sufficiently devastated, it becomes dangerous to travel with. Because the sorry state of it clearly shows that the place is unpoliced, and that any prospective criminal can do whatever he wants in there, not to mention the junkies and other refuse."

11.2.24 19:00 - oy vey

Hmm, there's nothing more likely to make an ethnic group or race die than it putting its women on the front line.

Checks early life

(((... E.S.T.)))

11.2.24 18:43 - vai politika ietekmē deģenerāciju

10.2.24 17:30

Putinintervijai vienīgais pozitīvais efekts ir mega butthurts no usual suspects 'liberāļiem', kas pieprasa padomju savienības tipa cenzūru kubā, jo nevar paciest neatkarīgus žurnālistus, kas dara ko grib.
Der atgādināt, ka pat aukstā kara gados, pretējo pušu līderi tika intervēti un bija pat debates viņu starpā.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kitchen_Debate. Pirms ~2- gadiem ASV žurnālisti intervēja Osamu Binladenu un Sadamu Huseinu. Tad tas vēl likās pieņemami, bet tagad npc planktons tik tālu samācīts sovokā, ka saiet pilnīgā histērija par pašu ideju, ka odiozi un netīkami politiskie personāži tiek pie vārda. Un tie ir tie paši, kas grib, lai apklusina un vajā vietējos antisovjetčinas izplatītājus. Vismaz zināsim kuri ir kuri.
Pati intervija meh. Kārtējais senilais lielvalsts līderis, kas tikai rullē uz riņķi vecu plati, kuru visi jau zina. Nu vismaz ir vēl spējīgs ko paboksterēt, atšķirībā no dažiem labiem.

1.2.24 18:56 - demokrātija=oligarhija

Indeed, Krievijas Federācija ir demokrātija, ja skatāmies pēc Rietumu demokrātiju standartiem. Reāli pie varas ir neliela bezpartejiska kliķe, kas nosaka kursu. Partijas un vēlēšanas abās pusēs domātas priekš tā, lai padumjais plebs neizdomā dumpoties, jo svēti tic, ka viņi ar savām balsīm paši vainīgi pie attiecīgā kursa, jo edz', mēs taču paši balsojām. Nav svarīgi kura partija tiek ievēlēta. Tās visas ir sistēmiski subordinētas iepriekš minētajai kliķei un kursu nemainīs, lai ko nedirstu priekšvēlēšanu lolzungos. Atsevišķas partijas vai politiķi, kas vēlas šūpot laivu, tiek zibenīgi iznīcināti jau saknē.

31.1.24 22:18

Pirms kāds ar mani runā, jāparāda notariāta apstiprināta rezolūcija, ka drīkst ar mani uzsākt sarunu. Citādi RAPE!

28.1.24 20:44

Lol, dēļ vietējiem petuhiem arī yandex tagad pieejams tika caur proksi. Gojiem brīv meklēt tikai Vissavienības Uzvaras Meklētājā.
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