Заметки алкоголика и придурка

29. Novembris 2024

00:29 - Are you ready to die for jew, white man?

White House pressing Ukraine to draft 18-year-old men to help fill manpower needs to battle Russia​

President Joe Biden’s administration is urging Ukraine to quickly increase the size of its military by drafting more troops and revamping its mobilisation laws to allow for the conscription of troops as young as 18, reports the Associated Press (AP).

A senior Biden administration official, who spoke to the AP on the condition of anonymity to discuss the private consultations, said on Wednesday that the outgoing Democratic administration wants Ukraine to lower the mobilisation age to 18 from the current age of 25 to help expand the pool of fighting age men available to help Ukraine in its nearly three-year-old war with Russia.




"I can say this. When I was in school, the teachers were all lefties but Reagan and Bush were Presidents through the majority of that time SO they were teaching, "question everything". There was no social media there to re-enforce the status quo through dopamine likes via well placed bots and government ban recommendations. You didn't have every single corporation walking in lock step to the point where they all make their social media accounts gay themed during the summer, nor did you have giant fund managers pushing ESG scores. Shit, I can even remember when Apple's advertising motto was "think different".

It's really not too shocking to see things like "trust the science" and all the labels associated with the status quo followed by the word "denier" if you question things now that the left has had control of most of the government for the majority of the last two decades."


Bļin, nevaru atrast kā sērčot jūtūbi (drošvien nobloķēts jebkurā gadījumā), bet nesaprotu kā Andy Edwards nav ielicis vismaz iekš "honorable mentions" Humble Pie - Live At Filmore kā vienu no izcilākajām rokgrupas performancēm dzīvajā savā "Best Rock Live Albums" vai kā tur listē. Neticu, ka viņš nezina Stīvu Merriotu un faktu, ka Fremptona virtuozitātes ziedu laiki bija tieši tajā periodā (ar Huble Pie - absolūti underrated heavy rock band), nevis aizejot 'middle-of-the-road', kā viņam pašam patīk apzīmēt, popsīgu garlaicīgu rociņu, periodā.

Tā laikam pleiliste, tākā vajadzības gadījumā jāspiež uz priekšu.

[info]brookings ? Meriots labākais cockney singer ever imo, no?
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