Заметки алкоголика и придурка

29. Oktobris 2022

14:38 - for crying out loud


Twitter’s top lawyer, Vijaya Gadde apparently broke down crying during a meeting with staff on Monday after news of billionaire Elon Musk’s acquisition of the company broke, according to a Tuesday report from Politico. This is the same lawyer who decided to crackdown and purge the Hunter Biden laptop story before the 2020 election and to ban former President Trump from the platform. And she had the admiration of Politico.

Putting it bluntly, reporters Emily Birnbaum and Betsy Woodruff wrote that “Monday was an emotional day at Twitter — even for its executives.”

“[T]op Twitter lawyer Vijaya Gadde called a virtual meeting with the policy and legal teams she oversees to discuss what the new ownership could mean for them,” they reported. “Gadde cried during the meeting as she expressed concerns about how the company could change, according to three people familiar with the meeting.”


Interesanti kā ekstrēmie leftisti/globālisti maina definīcijas it visur, jo lietojot pareizos terminus visa viņu ideoloģija gāžas kā kāršu namiņš. Vakcīna vienmēr bija saprotama kā medikaments, ka aizsargā pret inficēšanos. VIENMĒR. Tā nekad nav bijusi lieta, ko lietot, lai "slimība norit vieglāk". Tagad vairs nē. Acīmredzot vienmēr ir bijuši mild cases of smallpox tāpat kā Okeānija vienmēr karojusi ar Eirāziju.
Nemaz nerunājot par to, ka arī šī jaunā definīcija ir meli. Nenorit vieglāk tur nekas.


Nabaga Sojeriņš. Viņš vēl bija cool, kad taisīja Fallout: New Vegas. Aiziešana NPCismā acīmredzami degradēja arī viņa gamedev prasmes.

18:46 - 'The main goal is not to understand world, it is to change it'

Šī James Lindsay lekcija par current_things izcila. Aptuveni par tām pašām lietām, kurām runā [info]indulgence, tikai sīkāk.

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