Заметки алкоголика и придурка

10. Jūlijs 2022


There is no question that modern, industrial society has had a deleterious effect on the enviorment, and i don't think the disfiguration of pristine nature, even when it has no immediate deleterious effect on the life of people, is a good thing.

There's two levels to the enviormental question. The first is the fact there is a spiritual component to nature and that man actually needs virgin nature much like he needs religion, sacred art and all the elements that constitute a traditional society.

Actually, it would be more accurate to say there's two levels to both sides of the argument here in general. The first level is the meaning of spirituality and the role nature has in that, which differs between the traditionalists and the greens in that the traditionalists understand nature as being a reflection of God's immanence in this world, virgin nature being a kind of symbolic rapresentation of an higher divine reality. The traditionalists do not worship nature as such, they just see in it a kind of transparent window towards a view of certain aspects of the divine. The greens by contrast have this whole neo-pagan, new age spiel where they worship nature in and of itself and even if they have any conception of God at all they definitely have no understanding of his transcendence and those of them who believe in God are likely to invariably be pantheists.

The second level is the more modernist, atheistic perspective, which dictates that man MUST be in control of everything. Since there is no God in charge of things and no Providence taking care of things apart from human involvement, the modernist mindset dictates that everything must come under the control of man and it must happen now before it's too late, before some unforeseeable disaster occurs in the near future. This is the basis of the globalwarmthink cult, which is just an appendage of the global elites quest to have total dominion on the world, on nature and reality itself.

So in essence, while in principle the intention of the greens may seem to be good if looked at from the surface, and the idea that nature needs to be preserved reasonates with many people because the fundamental idea is actually good, for even non-traditionalists can sense the beauty of unspoiled nature and can feel the negative effects of the disfiguration of the natural enviorment by modern industry and modern technology, the rest of the baggage that's attached to all current political and ideological enviormentalisms is full of satanic new age and technocratic nonsense.

11:29 - par to pašu, tikai konkrēti Nīderlandes nemieru sakarā

Some papers: https://www.wmbriggs.com/post/39242/

Honestly, I know for a fact that we have some very intensive pork farming in the south-east, for example, about which you have to wonder: is this really tenable? Is it really desirable that we concentrate this on the little space we've got?

But this is moot because this is really not what it's about. Any real environmental concerns have long been transformed into the grand narrative of the 'nitrogen crisis'. Based not on actual emissions data, but on garbage-in, garbage-out models in the same way as with every other 'crisis' (climate, Covid, whatever) that always translates to: "It's a crisis, unfortunately the only thing we can do is give the government total and perpetual power to shut everything down whenever they like. There is no alternative, we must do something, what do you propose, we do nothing???"

And then you get situations like:

- Farmer plants trees and shrubs to contribute to biodiversity in his area. Then the nitrogen plans come out, and it turns out he'll have to be forcibly bought out and never allowed to farm again, because his cows 'pollute' the land he just transformed.
- Construction projects were stopped due to the nitrogen emissions norms. Regional government buys out a large tract of farmland, so now they meet the emissions norms again and can build. They decide to use the farmland they've bought to build a large reception centre for asylum seekers.

All this is only tangentially related to ammonia pollution. It is merely the bureaucratic alibi for the evisceration of one of the most efficient agricultural sectors in the world, and the clearing of space, sometimes directly for the housing of more rapefugees.

12:21 - oy vey


Excess deaths are on the rise – but not because of Covid
Office for National Statistics data leads health experts to call for urgent investigation into what is causing the excess mortality

Neviena vārda par vakcīnām. Acīmredzot obligāta masu sašpricēšana ar eksperimentālu ķimikāliju, kuras potenciāli nāvējošie efekti, kaut klusiņām un labi ja par frakcijas tiesu, tomēr tiek atzīti, šajā vienādojumā nekādi nevar piedalīties. Cik objektīvi un zinātniski.

Sīkāk un interesantāk par to pašu: https://pierrekory.substack.com/p/reports-from-the-front-lines-of-the
hailaiti bērniem

Dažādu valstu reģionālā prese pilna ar rakstiem par to kā 1) ātrās palīdzības sistēma vairs netiek galā 2) par ikdnienišķiem kļuvuši raksti ar virsrakstiem tipa "Young father dies in his sleep from mysterious cause. Family devastated."

Tikmēr melu un puspatiesību biedēšanas propaganda turpina pilnā sparā: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/ninja-omicron-ba5-covid-fearporn
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