Заметки алкоголика и придурка

9. Jūnijs 2021

01:06 - setting the stage

Nevakcinēšanās bez attaisnojoša iemesla ir antisociāla, uzskata (((Levits)))


bbut they're just like us...


Brookinga pēdējais treds labi parāda, ka ir kreatūras (jo cilvēki tie ir tikai nosacīti - jābūt sentiencei un spriestspējai), kas sekos līdzi jebkurai, pat vis primitīvākajai propagandai un ignorēs jebkuru argumentu, kas ir 'at odds' ar pastāvošās autoritātes pozīciju. Vienu brīdi bija tāda retrospektīva nosliece domāt, ka pēc sovoka jau nu uz tādiem pigoriem maz kurš uzķersies. Kur nu. Nav pat jāizgudro nekā rafinētāka, tas pats vecais labais strādā bez praboja. Acīmredzot vairumā homo sapiens tas imprintēts. Homo sapiens pirmkārt ir vergs un tikai tad viss pārējais.


Why Are Planes Carrying Unidentified Children Landing in Tennessee In the Middle Of the Night?
The occult elite wants open borders across the world for many reasons. One of them is because they provide an unlimited supply of children to feed underground networks. If these children were truly about to be united with loved ones, we’d see tear-jerking videos about them reuniting which would make amazing PR for the government. However, that’s not what’s happening. At all. These children are moved in the middle of the night as if this was a black op. Because that’s what it is.


I am not usually a fan of “caught on tape” moments. However, people in media would never dare tell the truth about what they do on record. Because what they do is based on deception and manipulation. And if people are aware of these tactics, they won’t work anymore.

Throughout his revelations, Charlie Chester clearly laid out how his network (and all mass media) functions. 1) An agenda is decided by elite rulers. 2) A constant flow of biased and fear-mongering stories flood the network, all centered around telling a specific narrative. All facts that go against that narrative are ignored 3) The hysteria is taken to a level so extreme that it convinces people to abide by the agenda, prompting real-world change.

This real-world change is never in the best interest of the masses. It is all about scaring people into giving away their rights and freedoms. It is about dividing the masses to make sure they never unify and rise up against the elite. It is about dumbing down debates and keeping people completely ignorant. In short, it is about making sure that people never become .. vigilant citizens.

We Need to Talk About That CNN Director Admitting That His Network is “Propaganda” (video)
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