Заметки алкоголика и придурка

1. Septembris 2020

01:34 - vienmēr atbalstīt tos, kuri runā



Šodien sanāca ass gadījums ar NPC bariņu, kuri gribēja mani nošunnēt vienā citā forumā dēļ maniem uzskatiem ASV lietas sakara. Tikai pateicoties tam, ka tur admins ir horvāts, kas ir pietiekami vecs un pazīstams ar sovoka metōdēm, neesmu no turnienes izmests, jo kopējā reakcija pēc tam, kad iepostēju oficiālo infu (notikumu video, ārstu slēdzienus, oficiālos reportus) par melnajiem nabadziņiem, tā man vienkārši uzbruka spiets, kas apsaukāja mani par fašistu, nacistu, rasistu utt. nevienā brīdī pat nekomentējot oficiālo infu, ko ieliku. Iedomājiet, pat pliki video un dokumenti uz viņiem nestrādā un viņi ķērc savu ķērcamo kā harpijas apķērc visu.
Dievs, palīdzi mums visiem. :/


Man Extranjero vairāk patīk, nekā nepatīk, bet viņš tiešām ir kā uzmācīga muša. XD Tas pats ar Cthulhu. Laikam jāsaprot, ka autistiem tā vienkārši sanāk.:)

21:07 - viedoklis no multikulturālās Brazīlijas

The whole "Black Holocaust" rhetoric is a bizarre tactic the lefties love to use.

They use it here in Brazil, treating it as if the state is "genociding poor black peripheral* black people". In fact, brazilian lefties and their racial identitarian friends LOVE to import american racial ideas and concepts wholesale that have no purchase or place with local concepts.

There are just a few problems with that argument:

- Lefties and in fact, some government statistics (changed during the PT era), often cram non-asian non-whites into the same category of "blacks". So they cram a giant popullation of racially mixed people, brown people, maroons, cafuzos, etc, together into one "negro" category. They even use it as rhetoric, claiming that Brazil is a "majority-black" country (lowut).

The correct rates are 42,7% white, 46,8% brown, 9,4% blacks e 1,1% yellows or amerindians.

Even the white/brown divide is kinda thin, because its hard to tell really tanned whites from light-skinned browns. My own birth certificate has me as white, but nowadays I use "Pardo" in my documents because I believe it is more accurate.

- Lefties go from "blacks are a minority" to "Brazil is majority black, bigot!" in five seconds. They pretend mixed-race people don't exist, or tell that they should "own their blackness".

- Lefties here also like to pretend the Brazilian Police is a lilly-white Erszatsgroupen/KKK hybrid hunting darkies for funsies. There is just a little problem with this argument: The majority of cops here are dark-skinned.

- If we went by the rates of killing the lefties say, then Brazil would be devoid of blacks a long time ago.

*peripheral as in, they're from the peripheries, people who live in the suburbs and periferies of cities away from the center. In the US, the well-off and wealth live in the suburbs and the inner cities are where the poor live. Here, its the reverse - the inner cities are where the wealthy and well-off live, and the poor generally live in the suburbs.
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