Заметки алкоголика и придурка

1. Augusts 2019

00:20 - (((zaharova))) fakti

"iģinstvennij sposob izbavitsa ot drakona, eto imeķ svojevo sobstvennovo"

vot par to man patīk sovoka revolucionārie žīdi - vismaz cīnījās pret slikto


"Ubiķ Drakona" vajadzētu būt obligātajā hrestomātijā VISIEM
(lai nebūtu vislaik tikai prazņiki, prazņiki, prazņiki)


One thing I will never understand is why leftists (or should I say "leftists") are so pro mass immigration...
Mass immigration is basically modern day slavery, a ploy to depress wages of the native population, stiffle social mobility and destroy unions and workers rights by concentrating people of vastly different cultures, languages and religions in the same production areas, people who more often than not truly hate each other, a classic divide et impera strategy. On top of that mass immigration deprives the country of origin of the people most likely to succeed, impoverishing and weakening them, keeping them exploitable by mega corps.

It's like leftist cannot into their own ideology

16:43 - //:=>

totally halal


"The right is like a pussy whipped husband and the left is the spoiled, nagging wife."
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