12:12 - kebab removal
Regular reminder: if you let them in once, it will take you ages to get them out, because various "human rights groups" and the press will fight you tooth and nail to keep them from being deported. And if you manage to finally send some of them back, they will keep attacking you. NEVER let them in. “Their case highlights our deep concerns about what is happening in Hungary, where asylum-seekers are rejected not on the merits of their claim, but because under Hungary’s legislation, their claims are automatically considered inadmissible.”
Under this legislation, Hungary rejects without the safeguards required under EU law any asylum seeker who has previously been in a country that Hungary deems safe - in the case of these families, Serbia.
What inhumanity!
12:28 - Alemanya 2019
It has begun: Just saw the first campaign posters of an Islamist party here in GermanyThe party is called BIG ("Alliance for Innovation and Justice" - LOL) and seems to be a catch all Islamist group including everyone from Erdogan/Muslim Brotherhood people to hardline Salafists who openly oppose democracy as un-Islamic.If you can read German, here is their rap sheet: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bündnis_für_Innovation_und_GerechtigkeitIt is worth noting that this party has put up the second largest number of campaign posters in my neighborhood after the SPD. Only this Islamist and the left-wing parties campaign here. The cuckservatives don't even bother to try to campaign here and the AfD could only campaign here under massive police protection. This is the political situation in a truly "diverse" neighborhood.At this point I kinda wish we already were a Muslim country. Namely the Muslim country of Egypt, because in Egypt people get shot for putting up Muslim Brotherhood campaign posters.
Būs jauki skatīties vēlēšanu rezultātus, kad pēc gadiņiem 10-20 etniskie vācieši būs vēl vairāk apmiruši un mohamedāņu famīlijās ar 10+ čildreniem tie čildreni būs pieauguši un ieguvuši balss tiesības (jo dabiski, ka visiem tiem baciļiem tiek grantētas pilsonības no prob).
Vau, izrādās, ka BBC
nav pilnībā cucked. Labi izdirsāja psihiski slimu nēģervīrietsievieti. Bet cik daudz psihisku slimību un mentālas retardācijas var apkopoties vienā kreatūrā. :/
18:33 - lūk kā progresīvās zemēs cīnās pret noziedzību
Visi tie baisie smiti un larsoni, kas staigā pa ielām un dursta ļaudis. Kas notiek ar fuckin wypeepoo ka jāpieņem šādi mēri? Paldies Dievam šie mēri lieliski strādā un noziedzība strauji samazinās...
Sieviete žurnāliste un kāpēc bābas nekad nekur nevienā vietā nedrīkst laist ne pie kādas varas (pat virtuvē).
21:34 - klimaxkultisms
The Guardian iekšējās instrukcijas žurnaļagām kā pareizi jālieto valoda, to 'fight the cause'.
Man patīk termins "audience team". Tā laikam kāda trenēta cilvēku grupiņa, kas simulē audienci, lai pārbaudītu cik pareizrunīga un pareizdomīga ir The Giardian producētā propaganda. Komanda ar Švonderu un Rozi Luxemburgu pie stūres.