Заметки алкоголика и придурка

17. Februāris 2019


Nez cik miljoni nodokļu dolāru tika izlietots priekš Trampa muh rašen kolūžen apmelošanas kampaņas, kura nu beidzot ar gariem zobiem tikusi atzīta par fufeli. Iedomājies, zaudējusī partija bija tik sore losers, ka viņi paņēma dučiem ļimonu no ierindas pilsoņu sagādātā obščka, lai prosta saārstētu savu personīgo frustrāciju, izmazgātu smiltis no vagīnas. Dac librul politics for ya.

19:27 - haha tas līdz sāpēm pazīstamais komuņagu mesiānisms; good goy

Löfven: Only I and my party can save Democracy in Europe!!

Published February 14, 2019 at 17.21
DOMESTIC. "Only Me and the Social Democrats can save democracy in Europe" was the message from Prime Minister Stefan Löfven (S) during a speech last week, according to TV4 Nyheterna.

It was during the Social Democrats' EU election conference in Upplands-Väsby last Friday that Stefan Löfven said that the Social Democrats are Europe's savior.

According to Löfven, there is a serious threat on the continent: nationalism.

- "Right-wing extremists in country by country are now trying to merge, to once again unleash extreme nationalism on the continent, and whip up hatred against those they point out as strangers and dissidents. They have succeeded before. But they should never succeed again", he said.

- "And it's up to us. It is only the Swedish and European Social Democracy that can lead this work", Löfven continued.
=cilvēki, kas vienkārši cenšas izdzīvot under the onslaught ir 'ekstrēmisti', bet radikāli komunisti, kuri cīnās par pilnīgu tautu un kulttūru saplūšanu pelēkā, bezpalīdzīgu troglodītu masā ir mūsu glābēji= never change, commies

20:18 - swedening never ends lol

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