tiesu sistēma Rietumeriopāvai arī piemēram:
I don't post the daily "refugee" crimes anymore but this is a particularly juicy case:
- A 23-old "refugee" from.. Cameroon murdered a 84-year old German woman by beating her to death with her own walker
- The woman in question let him into her apartment (probably told her some sob story)
- The guy originally applied for asylum in Belgium in 2012, and remained there until 2015 when his asylum request was finally rejected
- He then applied for asylum in Germany (which shouldn't even be possible) and has remained in Germany ever since
- During that time he built an impressive criminal record including theft, drug offences, and a dozen cases of assault including sexual assault
Yet he was not deported or jailed!
German source: https://www.welt.de/vermischtes/art...Jaehrige-in-ihrer-Wohnung-getoetet-haben.htmlJa cilvēki tur nesāks radikalizēties, viņiem nav nākotnes. Un tas notiek zem ķipa 'konservatīvu' valdību ruļļiem lewl.