Заметки алкоголика и придурка

19. Februāris 2018


Interesanti kā "labi studenti" par savu ideoloģisko autoritāšu viedokļiem zina vairāk, nekā paši autori, kuri ļoti konkrēti, bez jebkādām divdomībām tos savā laikā bija izklājuši uz papīra. Pilnīgi nesaprotu, uzticēties studentiem vai autoriem.:)

At the very least, the people living in the former Communist countries knew and admitted that they were taking part in a gigantic social experiment, and that the media and the authorities were serving them propaganda to shore up support for this project. Yet in the supposedly free West, we are taking part in a gigantic social experiment of Multiculturalism and Muslim immigration every bit as radical, utopian and potentially dangerous as Communism, seeking to transform our entire society from top to bottom, and still we refuse to even acknowledge that this is going on.

Trekninātā daļa tomēr izrādās nav gluži korekta. Laikam tikai cilvēki, kuri paši vai kuru vecāki pabijuši gulagos un čekas pagrabos, lai atbrīvotu savu dzimtas māju šarikovu ģimenei, filtrē situāciju mūsdienu Rietumos. Tai ir pārsteidzoši daudz paralēļu. Jaunāka paaudze apbēdina. Nesaprotu gan kāpēc tik dažāda attieksme pret šiem fenomeniem Latvijā un, piemēram, Lietuvā. Kur cēlonis nacionālmazohismam un aktīvam kolaboracionismam. Kāpēc mēs esam vienīgie, kas spītīgi nelustrējās (droši vien tāpēc, ka puse latviešu tajos maisos ir, amarite?). Igauņiem taču arī nav nekāds lielvalsts mīts kolektīvajā atmiņā, bet tur cilvēki eks-komunistus un ideoloģijas nahrenizēja uzreiz a vot pie mums tautas ienaidnieki Rubiks un Ždanoka drīkst pārstāvēt starptautiskos forumos.

17:23 - power of russkie agents

"Ha, ha, ha, now all my plans are in place, I control the DNC who will get me the nomination, that Hawaiian faggot is in my pocket, I have videos of him getting bummed by Michelle's 10 inch cock, now I own his DOJ. I have my people all in in the right places at the alphabet agencies and they are leaking lies about Trump to my pets in the media, the same media shills that are all going to bat for me giving me positive coverage, debate questions and attacking my opponents around the clock on every show from The View to the Late night shows, if I had to pay for this 24/7 Clinton campaign ad on nearly every channel and show it would cost me hundreds of billions of dollars, but I get it all for free, Ha! Which means I hardly have to spend all those billions donated to me by the Saudi's, Russians, Rothschild, Soros, besides Georgie is using all his funded groups to back me anyway BLM, Open societies, La Raza, Anti-Fa and the rest. Not to mention all those Super Pacs like Correct the Record shilling for me all over the internet, the internet controlled by my friends at Google and Facebook and Twitter. I've even got that rancid celebrity lawyer Allred to pay women to make up stories about Trump, after I got NBC and Billy Bush to release the "pussy grabbing" tape, my media flocked to her staged press conference and talked about Trump being a sexual predator non stop for weeks. Oh Billy Bush, that reminds me all his relatives are going to bat for me in the GOP, as are most of their cuckservatives, RINO's and Neo Cons and all condemning Trump. I have Jay Z and Beyonce and Hollywood and Awic' Baldwin, Trump has got Chachi from Happy Days. And even after all that I have my political friends rigging the voting system, allowing criminals to vote, busing people across state lines, stuffing ballot boxes and turning a blind eye to millions of Illegal immigrants voting....
... Ha, ha, ha who can stop me!!!"

"Хэи komrads hold my Vodka. Летц shitpoust сам memes on твитер!"


meanwhile FIB ir līdzvainīgs 17 cilvēku nāvēs pēc nesenā skūlšūtinga, jo fabricēt smieklīgus kompromātus ģermokrātu uzdevumā ir top prioritāte.
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