Заметки алкоголика и придурка

17. Septembris 2017

00:40 - priviliģētie pariarhāļi

- 77% of homicide victims
- 93% of work fatalities
- 81% of all war deaths
- 80% of suicides
- 165% more likely to be convicted of a crime
- 70% of the homeless population
- 40% of severe domestic violence is against men yet 99.3% of domestic violence shelter space is for women.


vot tā
Jūtūbe u.c. sociālie mēdiji atbalsta aicinājumus nogalināt baltos bērniņus, bet cenzē jebkuru politisku materiālu, kas nav radikāli kreiss un diegabiksīgs. Ņemot vērā šo mēdiju dabisko monopolu, mēs jau tagad esam daļēji totalitārā vidē. Kāds teiks ''nu nelieto jūtūbu'', bet iesaku vispirms paskatīties ko tad īsti nozīmē dabiskais monopols. Veidi kādos šobrīd notiek smadzeņu saklošana un atklāts atbalsts balto eiropiešu/amerikāņu etnicīdam ir hardly ''konspirācijteorija'', ko mūždien piesauc sarkanie mēsli, arī šeit, cibā. Domāju, ka drīz vien lokālo Rietumu nāciju izdzīvot gribētājiem nekas cits neatliks kā ķerties pie radikālākiem mēriem un, jā, pie tā būs vainīgi kreisie un lolliberāļi, kas acīmredzami nesaprot tādas vērtībās kā demokrātija, brīvība un suverenitāte.


Fanīgi kā tas vis izklausās pēc pašreizējajiem liberastiem/kreisajiem. Nav brīnums, ka vecajie žīdi viņus genocidēja tā pat kā romieši analoģisku iemeslu pēc anihilēja kartāgiešus. Šīs tautas bija tik tālu degradējušās, ka citi tās uztvēra kā puvi vai kaitīgu baktēriju, kas jāiznīcina, lai slimība neizplatās tālāk. Kā amputācija.

17:48 - molohs smaida

The last three days in Germany:
Four Syrians and Iraqis first sexually attacked a 13, 16 and 17 year old at a Kirchweih (the annual feast in many small towns, originally the day of the dedication of the Church).
In Bavaria a 16 year old girl was brainwashed into hanging out in front of a refugee shelter. Three Afghans started talking to her and she started walking with them towards the train station. As soon as they were alone the started taking turns in raping her. The third one didn't get to rape her because someone came by.
And all the German refugee lovers will tell you that the problem is toxic masculinity, and that German men also rape. However, in more than 30 years of living here I have never heard of German men in groups of three and four roaming the streets and raping underage girls in open daylight. How the fuck is that supposed to work? You meet with your best buddy, and ask him "hey, wanna go out have a beer and rape some kids?" That's how it seems to work for our Merkelgifts.
I don't want to live in this country anymore. 
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