Заметки алкоголика и придурка

23. Oktobris 2016


Who ever wins, there will be around 50% of US population that loaths the next president
Pilsoņu karš āmurikā sāk likties ar vien reālāka lieta.


Call it a reverse of fortunes. It certainly was rigged against everyone else in the most blatant ways for most of America's history. The thing about oppressed groups is that as soon as the oppression ends, they're the ones that start oppressing. Look at the LGBT community. For decades they complained about not getting equal rights, not being able to marry and the crucible argument they used (which was 100% correct) was that they should be able to be themselves, live their lives as they choose and be with who they want to be. Now that they've basically achieved all of that, they've changed. They don't hold the same standard anymore when it comes to now-oppressed Christian bakers who want to be themselves, live their lives and be who they want to be with by refusing to offer their services for gay weddings. But they can't. If they do, they're accused of "discrimination" and are punished. But they're really the ones being discriminated against now and the LGBT community now holds a different standard when it comes to their rights and their ability to live life as they choose. Now it's "Bake my cake, bitch, or else!"
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