Lonelyness 3 - Nelūgtā viešņa |
[11 Mar 2011|01:05pm] |
Meklējot piemērotu ozolzaru kokles tapām, kā arī sazāģējot no sniega smaguma kritušos kokus, pastaigājos pa mežu, sadzirdēju soļus sniegā, pagriezos, bet neredzu nevienu. Kaut arī marts, tomēr spīdēja saule un meža darbos ir patīkami bez krekla. Nolēmu pacelt un uzvilkt to, jo sapratu, ka kāds tuvojas, tad pēkšņi sadzirdēju ieroča pārlādēšanas skaņu. Pagriezos un ieraudzīju skaistu gara auguma blondīni ar medību bisi vērstu pret mani.
"Kas tu esi un ko tu te dari?" jautāja viņa. "To pašu es gribētu pajautāt Jums" atbildēju es. "Medību sabiedrība ir noslēgusi līgumu ar šīs teritorijas īpašnieku par atļauju šeit medīt, es te drīkstu atrasties" atbildēja viņa. "Jā, atceros, biju parakstījis tādu līgumu", saku es, tādējādi atklājot, kas esmu. "Skaidrs, bet kāpēc pliks, nav auksts?" viņa nolaida ieroci. "Vai tiešām izskatos tik biedējoši, ka bija jātēmē?" cenšos pārvērst to par joku. "Nē, atskaitot neķemmētos matus un Robinzona bārdu... Un vēl tā zemnīca... Izskatās pēc lāča midzeņa no ārpuses". -"Kas vainas Lāčiem?" -"Lāčiem ne vainas, bet šobrīd vajag vilku. [pauze] Ar vilkiem man ir īpašas attiecības."
- "Ko lai saka, varētu aiziet apskatīties, var gadīties, ka lāča midzenī būs ielīdis kāds vilks."
- "Tā nevar gadīties. Bet apskatīt tāpat var."
[izdomāts, turpinājums sekos]
Last days in Babylon - farewell of wrath |
[11 Mar 2011|01:51pm] |
A few months before I quit my job I had words with my colleague. My hair was a mess more than ever and women just can't take it. She expressed all her negative thoughts about me. I really liked that person, so it was shocking to hear all that from her. I asked her to stop saying all that, it's just a few months for us left to see each other, let me be. She wouldn't stop. Finally I got enraged and "spilled the contents of my boiling cattle" towards her, too.
Despite the fact, that she understood nothing about me, she was right anyway. I am not a real man and I really should learn to be one. But not from some short haired dandy dressed moneymakermotherfuckercocksuckers. That's exactly what I did before and that made me a worm, what I was back then.
On the morning next day I saw a dream: I am in a foresty town near some lake. Looked very much like Baltezers about a decade ago. It was summer. I see some beaver walking around. And I see some dog. I take some food to give it to the dog. When I came closer I see this dog attacking beaver. It appeared to be half a wolf. I couldn't react and this dog attacked me to my neck.
I came to work next day and I heard my colleague talking to others about a dream, that she saw. And she saw herself flying. She said, she never had such a bright dream of flying before.
I'm glad, she didn't take it so hard. Well, I took it hard and I still am thinking about it. The last moments. I always wanted to leave a city as a happy person, but some people, the closest, would never let it happen...