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Railroad [10 Jun 2005|12:13am]
As far as I can remember myself, the thing, that fascinates me the most, has always been the railroad.

In my childhood I enjoyed running in the middle of the rails imagining, that I am a train. I always liked to watch the trains, to count the number of cars and, much more, to listen to them. The sounds of locomotive always gave me the shivers - I could not measure the power of the engine pulling more than hundred train cars. The deep and loud sound of the engine asociated me with this power. I loved to feel, that the ground under my feet was shaking as the locomotive rode by. All those things make me love drumnbass music today.

I also loved to travel by train. The sounds of wheels beating the rails are like a funky drum beat. Train was shaking as it rode - it always drawsed me, made me wanna sleep, but I could't sleep. I was too fascinated and excited, and attracted to that phenomena.

In Latvia today the trains die out. The electronic trains sometimes consist of only two cars... like if it was just a tram. There used to be twenty once.

Today I love to walk on the rail like if it was a rope. Love to catch the ballance and then to raise my eyes to look forward at the horisont - it seems, like the railroad has no end. The picture of horisont doesn't move, and that makes me feel, like if I were walking in one place.

I also like to examine all the systems of railroad. Especially the electronics. I try to understand, how it is built, where all the wires come from and go to, and what's the point of all that stuff. All the stakes and wires, they form a pattern - I love to look at it. Patterns represent the order, and I enjoy the order. That's why I am a lawyer.
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Battle Style Crew vēsture --- v0.62 [10 Jun 2005|02:18pm]
Kautkad pirms pusgada Yoginz palūdza man, lai uzrakstu mūsu komandas vēsturi, bet līdz šim nebiju saņēmies to izdarīt. Tagad, kad man ir savs blogs, ir papildus motivācija, kā arī pieredze rakstu rakstīšanā ir kļuvusi lielāka.

Vispirms par Battle Style.

Battle Style B-Boys ir breakdance komanda, kas sāka veidoties Alūksnē 2000. gadā. Nosaukums Battle Style ir piesaistīts nevis konkrētiem cilvēkiem, bet gan Alūksnes hip-hop kultūrai, t.i., komandas sastāvs ir mainīgs, bet Battle Style paliek kā tradīcija, breika disciplīna, ko Alūksnes breikeri saglabā. Battle Style galvenās idejas elementi ir šādi: pirmkārt, patstāvība - katrs atbild pats par sevi un ir radoši neatkarīgs - nekur nav jāpierakstās, ja gribas trenēties - var vienārši atnākt, un, lai veicināt katram dejotājam īpatnēja stila veidošanos, treniņi notiek bez skolotāja. Otrais elements ir pieredzes apmaiņa - dejotāji apmainās ar pieredzi, lai palīdzēt viens otram ātrāk apgūt sarežģītas kustības. Trešais elements ir nekomerciālisms - trenējoties kopā ar Battle Style jums nav jāmaksā - Battle Style saņem materiālo atbalstu no dažādām valsts, pašvaldību un nevalstiskajām organizācijām.

[notiek raksta izstrāde - lūdzu visas saistītās personas izdarīt komentārus par šo rakstu, lai es varētu precizēt vai labot šeit norādītos faktus ar mērķi patiesāk atainot Battle Style komandas vēsturi]

Battle Style vēsture )
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