making sense - Komentāri [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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27. Maijs 2012|22:17

Es domāju, cik lielā mērā uz algoritmiem attiecas tas, ko cilvēks
te saka par matemātiku?

ROTA: I once naively entertained the thought that biologists could tell me what their mathematical problems were so that I could think of solving them. That's ridiculous. Biologists seldom have the mathematical view that is required to spot problems in the mathematics of biology that maybe right there staring at them. A biologist will go on doing experiments all his lit and never see anything deeper than binomial coefficients. It is not that the problems aren't there; rather, biologists by and large don't have the view that comes only from a solid education in mathematics.

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