making sense - Komentāri [ieraksti | vēsture | ko es lasu | par mani]

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3. Maijs 2018|21:09

UK tādu gadījumu ir daudzi. Pareizi tu saki, ka filtrē naida runu, bet šie gadījumi jau nav naida runa ne pēc kādiem kritērijiem.

Jā, arī tavs citētais raksts apstiprina to, kas jau ir common sense – nacionālā pašapziņa var veidot stiprākas sabiedrības.

Piemēram: Before colonialism, the tribes functioned as distinct nationalities. They sometimes warred with one another but were rarely locked in the day-to-day friction that began when they were lumped together by Europeans who drew the borders of their possessions without regard for the peoples, languages and cultures within them.


But some aspects of tribalism are beneficial. Tribal links often create an informal welfare system, helping people in the big, polyglot cities obtain food and financial support through tribal connections. In an alien metropolis, contact with a fellow tribesman is a powerful antidote to homesickness.
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