(no subject)
Nov. 22nd, 2010 | 12:02 pm
skan: soap & skin - mr.gaunt pt 1000
riebjas runāt. labāk patīk, ja uzrunā. un beidzot esmu atradusi kaut ko mūzikā, kas uzrunā tikpat ļoti, kā tas mazumiņš, kas ir uzrunājis pirms tam.
apskatīt | nu, nu - you tell me {2} | Add to Memories
(no subject)
Nov. 22nd, 2010 | 07:26 pm
skan: soap & skin - mr.gaunt pt 1000
I search in snow, in vain - for your footsteps trail
I have to kiss them with my scalding tears
until I see the ground
bury me under ice
smother me under the ice
and snow
I have to kiss them with my scalding tears
until I see the ground
bury me under ice
smother me under the ice
and snow