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Gribēju jau rakstīt par Mārīti un stenciliem, un, ka viņa joprojām netic, ka es varu kaut ko tādu darīt, bet cita sāpe ir lielāka. Daudz, daudz lielāka. Man nezin' kuras tur pakāpes sīkā māsīca draudzēties punkts elvē. Pareizāk sakot, viņas dienasgrāmata. Tas skuķēns laikam galīgi apmāts ar Parisu, Perisu vai kā viņu tur.. Tur veseliem blāķiem viņa sakopē kaut kādas intervijas un ko vēl ne. Taisni vai prasās šo dzēst no savu 'draudziņu' loka.

Hot or Not: Paris and Nicole Sound Off on Family Life

Which requires more stamina: partying all night or running a household?
Paris: "Partying is fun, but running a household is hard."
Nicole: Running a household, for sure!"

When you're getting ready to go out, who do you groom first, the kids or yourself?
Paris: "Myself, because I would just want to."
Nicole: "My kids, definitely. They don't take as long to get ready, and I think that people see how you groom your kids and say 'Okay, she's a clean woman' or 'She's not.' "

Sexy gardener or hardworking nanny?
Paris: "Is it a guy gardener? Sexy gardener."
Nicole: "Hardworking nanny is hot. I like someone who likes kids."

Soccer mom or MILF?
Paris: "MILF, because that's who everybody wants to do."
Nicole: "The MILF is hot, the soccer mom is not."

Take-out or home-cooked meals?
Paris: "Home-cooked meals, 'cause it tastes better, and I'm a good cook."
Nicole: "Take-out, I don't cook."

Hot hubbie who cheats or chubby shlub who adores you?
Paris: "Chubby shlub who adores you...but make him hot somehow.
Nicole: "Chubby shlub."

Who requires more attention, a baby or a boyfriend?
Paris: "A baby."
Nicole: "That's a good question. I don't know how to answer that one. I guess, maybe, it's tied."

Favorite cooking utensil or appliance?
Paris: "Microwave and the toaster."
Nicole: "I don't own cooking utensils. Favorite appliance? I don't even know what that is."

Is your life really simple?
Paris: "No, because I work really hard."
Nicole: "I think it is. I mean, I can't really compare my life to anyone else's, but I have fun living it."

es esmu parisa :) :D
( )Anonīms- ehh.. šitajam cibiņam netīk anonīmie, nesanāks.
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