Critical writings on graphic design.pdf
Mar. 25., 2009 | 02:06 pm
In his book, What’s the Big Idea? How to Win with Outrageous Ideas That Sell,
Lois states:
I look in vain for the big idea, for that one theme or slogan that says it all,
that can be played back by the average consumer after one viewing. If you
can't describe the big idea in one sentence or in three or four words, you
don't have a big idea. Quick cuts and animation and computer graphics are
techniques, and ephemeral techniques, at best. None of these devices is an
idea. . . . A great verbal idea can survive even terrible graphics.
Mums parasti otrādāk, terrible idea grib uzfrišināt ar great graphics.
Lois states:
I look in vain for the big idea, for that one theme or slogan that says it all,
that can be played back by the average consumer after one viewing. If you
can't describe the big idea in one sentence or in three or four words, you
don't have a big idea. Quick cuts and animation and computer graphics are
techniques, and ephemeral techniques, at best. None of these devices is an
idea. . . . A great verbal idea can survive even terrible graphics.
Mums parasti otrādāk, terrible idea grib uzfrišināt ar great graphics.
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Kāds teica cibosfēra?
Mar. 9., 2009 | 10:44 am
verso la magica cibosfera...