Skaņas ko dzird tikai jaunieši! Ieklausies!

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Feb. 26., 2009 | 09:33 pm

Izrādas ir skaņas, ko spēj dzirdēt tikai tīņi/jaunieši līdz 25 gadu vecumam. Man gan šis vecums jau garām, bet skaņu dzirdu, un tā ir tik spalga, ka ilgāk pa 3 sekumdēm nav izturams. Vai tu vēl esi tīnis? Sound check, please!

Train Horn

Created by Train Horn

Clicking the play button below will produce a tone that is generally only heard by people under the age of 25. It has been used as a deterrent device to keep teenagers from loitering in malls and shops, and sounds similar to a buzzing mosquito. Typically the longer you listen to it, the more annoying it gets

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Comments {18}

aizmirsu virsrakstu

date: Feb. 27., 2009 - 09:50 am

gandrīz apvēmos no tās skaņas. nu, paldies...

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