I'm rich (again)!

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Feb. 10., 2009 | 09:45 am

Google Anniversary Online Lotto ( Thanks for your patronage!!)

Dear Sir/Madam,
We are please to bring to your notice that your email just
won £500,000 British Pounds in our just concluded 10th
anniversary giveaway lotto.

For more info/how to claim your prize,send your winning
Ticket number:00869575733664,CGPN:7-22-71-00-66-12,Serial
numbers:BTD/8070447706/06,Lucky numbers:12-12-23-35-40-41(12)
and personal details to the processing agent(Mr.Francis Henson)

Mr Francis Henson (contact info)

Wish you goodluck as you spend your fortune,Thank you for
using Google.

p.s. tagad jau mēģina izbraukt zem GOOGLEs vārda ar savām sviestainajām loterijām.

SEKOT TRUSIM! | IR KO IEBILST? | Add to Memories

Comments {4}


aizmirsu virsrakstu

from: [info]freakart
date: Feb. 10., 2009 - 10:32 am


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