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Jan. 10., 2009 | 02:41 pm
January 2009
········ Avulsed - Nullo (The Pleasure Of Self-Mutilation)
········ Lair Of The Minotaur - War Metal Battle Master [DVD]
········ Switchblade - Invictus Infinitum
········ Deströyer 666 - Defiance
········ Skyfire - Esoteric
········ Deftones - Eros
········ Sathanas - Nightrealm Apocalypse
13.01 Kreator - Hordes Of Chaos
14.01 Colosseum - Chapter 2: Numquam
15.01 Enslavement Of Beauty - The Perdition [EP]
16.01 Gurd - Your Drug Of Choice
16.01 The Axis Of Perdition - Urfe
16.01 Rage - Gib Dich Nie Auf [EP]
19.01 Seance - Awakening Of The Gods
20.01 Cattle Decapitation - The Harvest Floor
21.01 Impellitteri - Wicked Maiden
21.01 Sólstafir - Köld
23.01 Emergency Gate - Rewake
23.01 Doro - Fear No Evil
23.01 Napalm Death - Time Waits For No Slave
23.01 Vision Divine - 9 Degrees West Of The Moon
23.01 Sirenia - The 13th Floor
23.01 Jorn - Live In America [DVD]
26.01 Pain Of Salvation - Ending Theme - On The Two Deaths Of Pain Of Salvation [DVD]
26.01 Saga - Contact - Live In Munich [Live]
26.01 Evil Masquerade - Fade To Black
26.01 Sepultura - A-Lex
26.01 Ephel Duath - Through My Dog's Eyes
28.01 Entwine - Painstained
30.01 Deathstars - Night Electric Night
30.01 This Ending - Dead Harvest
31.01 Månegarm - Nattväsen
31.01 Borknagar - TBA
February 2009
········ The Blackout Argument - Remedies
········ Torture Killer - Sewers
········ Infected Disarray - Disseminating Obscenity
········ Old Man's Child - TBA
········ Silent Voices - TBA
········ Hell Within - TBA
········ Anubis Gate - TBA
········ Isole - Silent Ruins
········ Hellsaw - Cold
········ Dark Moor - Autumnal
········ Sons Of Seasons - Gods Of Vermin
········ Dark Funeral - TBA
········ Hatebreed - Live In Dallas [Live]
········ DGM - Frame
········ Dead Head - Depression Tank
········ The Order - Rockwolf
········ Engel - TBA
········ Anathema - Horizons
········ Wyrd - Kalivägi
········ Augury - Fragmentary Evidence
········ Rudra - Brahmavidya: Transcendental I
········ Wolves In The Throne Room - Malevolent Grain [EP]
········ Buried Inside - TBA
01.02 Crystal Viper - Metal Nation
02.02 Adagio - Archangels In Black
03.02 Cannibal Corpse - Evisceration Plague
09.02 Soulfly - Blood Fire Water Hate [EP]
09.02 Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue With The Stars
11.02 Crucified Barbara - 'Til Death Do Us Party
13.02 Autumn - Altitude
13.02 Psyopus - Odd Senses
16.02 God Forbid - Earthsblood
20.02 Hammerfall - No Sacrifice, No Victory
20.02 The Prophecy - Into The Light
20.02 Suidakra - Crógacht
23.02 Wolf - Ravenous
24.02 Rush - Retrospective Vol. III [Compilation]
24.02 Lamb Of God - Wrath
27.02 Criminal - White Hell
27.02 Lunatica - New Shores
27.02 Malefice - Dawn Of Reprisal
27.02 Leaves' Eyes - We Came With The Northern Winds - En Saga I Belgia [DVD]
27.02 Finsterforst - ...zum Tode hin
27.02 Redemption - Frozen In The Moment: Live In Atlanta [DVD]
27.02 Mantic Ritual - Executioner
29.02 Letzte Instanz - Schuldig
March 2009
········ Dreamland - TBA
········ Kult Ov Azazel - Destroying The Sacred
········ Disarmonia Mundi - The Isolation Game
········ Echoes Of Eternity - TBA
········ General Surgery - Corpus In Extremis: Analysing Necrocriticism
········ Lion's Share - Dark Hours
········ Code - Resplendent Grotesque
········ Paganizer - Scandinavian Warmachine [EP]
········ Long Distance Calling - TBA
········ Praying Mantis - Touch The Rainbow
········ Korn - TBA
········ Therapy? - TBA
········ Powerwolf - TBA
········ Orphaned Land - The Never Ending Way Of ORwarriOR
········ Degradead - TBA
········ Arthemesia - a.O.a.
········ Brutal Truth - Evolution Through Revolution (working title)
········ Sacrifice - Live Reanimation [DVD]
········ Baltimoore - TBA
········ Mastodon - Crack The Skye
········ Killswitch Engage - TBA
········ In Vain - Mantra
········ Morbid Angel - TBA
········ Afgrund - Vid Helvetes Grindar
········ Goddess Of Desire - The Power Of Metal Compels You
········ Necrophobic - TBA
········ Arise - The Reckoning
········ Gitaron - Mental Visions
········ Ajattara - TBA
········ Elis - Catharsis
········ Acheron - The Final Conflict: Last Days Of Gods
········ Forgotten Tomb - Vol. 5: 1999-2009 [Compilation]
········ Thanatos - Justified Genocide
········ Akroma - Seth [EP]
········ Oath To Vanquish - The Ruinous Fate Of The Blind
········ Hearse - TBA
········ Civilization One - Calling The Gods
········ Nightwish - Made In Hong Kong (And Various Other Places) [EP]
········ Susperia - Speaking Killing Words
········ Eluveitie - Evocation I - The Arcane Dominion
········ After All - Cult Of Sin
········ Nanowar Of Steel - Metropolis Pt. 3: The Legacy
········ Zandelle - Flames Of Rage
········ Absu - Absu
02.03 Obscura - Cosmogenesis
03.03 Revolting Cocks - Sex-O Olympic-O
03.03 Antigama - Warning
06.03 Samael - Above
09.03 Revolution Renaissance - Age Of Aquarius
11.03 Celesty - Vendetta
12.03 Black Messiah - First War Of The World
13.03 Chain Reaction - Vicious Circle
16.03 Pestilence - Resurrection Macabre
17.03 Static-X - Cult Of Static
17.03 Kylesa - Static Tensions
20.03 Delain - April Rain
23.03 Forest Stream - The Crown Of Winter
27.03 Candlemass - Death Magic Doom
31.03 Wolves In The Throne Room - Black Cascade
31.03 Impending Doom - The Serpent Servant
April 2009
········ Bulldozer - Unexpected Fate
········ Alestorm - Black Sails At Midnight
········ Demonic Resurrection - The Return To Darkness
········ Sacrifice - TBA
········ Man Must Die - No Tolerance For Imperfection
········ Fairyland - Score To A New Beginning
········ Heaven And Hell - TBA
········ Amorphis - TBA
········ Caliban - Say Hello To Tragedy
········ Stryper - Murder By Pride
········ The Dillinger Escape Plan - TBA
········ Schandmaul - Sinnfonie [DVD]
········ Cult Of Luna - Fire Was Born [DVD]
········ Varg - Live am Wolfszeit Festival 2008 [DVD]
········ War From A Harlots Mouth - TBA
········ The 69 Eyes - TBA
········ Meliah Rage - Masquerade
········ Flotsam & Jetsam - The Cold
········ Demonical - Hellsworn
········ Nazxul - Iconoclast
········ Insomnium - TBA
········ Debauchery - Rockers & War
········ Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - TBA
········ Edguy - Fucking With F*re - Live [DVD]
········ Stormhammer - Signs Of Revolution
········ The Gathering - The West Pole
········ Pagan's Mind - TBA [DVD]
········ Fjoergyn - Jahreszeiten
03.04 Subway To Sally - Kreuzfeuer
16.04 Emperor - Live Inferno [Live]
17.04 Disbelief - Protected Hell
21.04 Chimaira - The Infection
May 2009
········ Isis - Live 5 [Live]
········ Blood Tsunami - TBA
········ Warbringer - TBA
········ Geïst - Galeere
········ Primal Fear - 16.6 (Before The Devil Knows You're Dead!)
········ Queensrÿche - American Soldier
········ Rebellion - TBA
········ Isis - TBA
········ Supreme Pain - Nemesis Enforcer
········ Europe - TBA
········ God Dethroned - Passiondale
········ Edenbridge - LiveEarthDream [Live]
········ Sacred Oath - Sacred Oath
········ My Dying Bride - For Lies I Sire
········ Reciprocal - Reciprocal
········ Riverside - Anno Domini High Definition (working title)
········ Dark The Suns - All Ends In Silence
········ Anthrax - Worship Music
········ Defiance - TBA
········ Vader - TBA [EP]
········ Vomitory - Carnage Euphoria
········ Hirax - El Rostro De La Muerte
········ Evereve - TBA
········ Lacuna Coil - Shallow Life
········ Neaera - TBA
········ Virgin Black - Requiem - Pianissimo
June 2009
········ Dream Evil - In The Night
········ Negator - TBA
········ Anaal Nathrakh - TBA
········ Phideaux - Number Seven
········ Jorn - TBA
········ Hardcore Superstar - Beg For It
········ Down - TBA
········ Lord - Set In Stone
········ Thesyre - Résistance
········ Sinister - The Blood Past [Compilation]
········ Theatre Of Tragedy - TBA
········ Bloodsoaked - Sadistic Deeds...Grotesque Memories
········ Exodus - The Atrocity Exhibition... Exhibit B
········ Suicidal Angels - Live Domination [DVD]
········ Benediction - Benediction/Wolfbrigade Split [EP]
········ Slayer - TBA
········ Construcdead - Endless Echo
········ Nightrage - Wearing A Martyr's Crown
········ Pantheon I - Worlds I Create
········ Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Night Castle
········ Zuul Fx - TBA [DVD]
········ Forgotten Tomb - Under Saturn Retrograde
15.06 Magnum - Into The Valley Of The Moon King
19.06 Graveworm - TBA
July 2009
········ Job For A Cowboy - TBA
August 2009
········ Wintersun - Time
········ Endstille - Verführer
········ Saint Deamon - TBA
September 2009
········ Between The Buried And Me - TBA
········ Artillery - TBA
········ Thrudvangar - TBA
········ Urt - TBA
········ Astral Doors - TBA
········ Nomans Land - Farnord
········ Vader - Necropolis
········ Soil - TBA
October 2009
········ Mezzerschmitt - TBA
November 2009
········ The Old Dead Tree - TBA
December 2009
········ DeepTrip - TBA
········ Sabaton - Live At The Front [DVD]
········ Behemoth - TBA [DVD]
········ Domain - The Chronicles Of Love, Hate And Sorrow
········ Sinate - TBA
········ Lyzanxia - TBA
········ Illdisposed - TBA
········ Cellador - For All Or Nothing
········ As We Fight - Meet Your Maker
········ Destruction - TBA [DVD]
········ To-Mera - TBA
········ Suffocation - Blood Oath
········ Thy Flesh Consumed - Unrepentant
········ Crystalic - TBA
········ Chaosphere - Anthems To Agony
········ Aeturnus Dominion - Annihilation Process
········ Freak Kitchen - Land Of The Freaks
········ Inhumate - The Fifth Season
········ Sigh - Scenes From Hell/Tempore Belli/Vanitas
········ Shining - VI - Klagopsalmer
········ Deep Purple - TBA
········ Mnemic - TBA
········ Morifade - TBA
········ Farmakon - Syan
········ Sanctity - TBA
········ Trepalium - TBA
········ Gorath - MXCII
········ Macbeth - TBA
········ Crowbar - TBA
········ Panzerchrist - TBA
········ Wolverine - TBA
········ Odroerir - Götterlieder II
········ Halford - Halford IV (working Title)
········ Eventide - TBA
········ Penumbra - TBA
········ Carpathian Forest - Universal Evil
········ Throes Of Dawn - TBA
········ Detonation - TBA
········ Sinergy - Sins Of The Past
········ Svartby - Riv, Hugg Och Bit (Rip, Chop And Bite)
········ Angel Dust - TBA
········ Grimfist - A New Breed Of Brutality
········ Apostasy - TBA
········ Goat The Head - TBA
········ Darkwell - TBA
········ Magic Kingdom - Symphony Of War
········ Defender - TBA
········ Paradise Lost - TBA
········ Absentation - Claves Inferni
········ Ywolf - Dark Gothic Orchestral
········ Eluveitie - Evocation II - Visions
········ Crimson Glory - Metatron, Lucifer And The Divine Chaos
········ Demonoid - TBA
········ The Kovenant - Aria Galactica
········ Gnostic - Engineering The Rule
········ Necrophagist - TBA
········ Tad Morose - TBA
········ Epidemia - Эльфийской Рукописи [DVD]
········ Darkthrone - TBA
········ Korpiklaani - TBA
········ Darzamat - Solfernus' Path
········ Argus - Argus
········ Lithica - Invokation Of Satan Within
········ Suicidal Angels - TBA
········ Rammstein - TBA
········ Sandalinas - Circles
········ Die Krupps - TBA
········ Atheist - TBA
········ Arkona - Noch Velesova [DVD]
········ Avantasia - TBA
········ Within Temptation - TBA
········ Sanctification - Black Reign
········ Ondskapt - Arisen From The Ashes
········ Crescent Shield - The Stars Of Never Seen
········ Whyzdom - From The Brink Of Infinity
········ Angmar - Zurück In Die Unterwelt
········ OSI - TBA
········ The Lucifer Principle - TBA
········ Varg - Blutadler
········ Megadeth - Blood In The Water: Live In San Diego [DVD]
········ Megadeth - TBA
········ Secrets Of The Moon - Privilegivm
········ Gorgoroth - TBA
········ Estertor - Inner Sights
········ Azarath - Praise The Beast
········ Shadowside - Dare To Dream
········ Olympos Mons - TBA
········ Morian - Ashen Empire
········ Carcariass - TBA
········ Glorior Belli - Meet Us At The Southern Sign
········ Stratovarius - TBA
········ Shakra - Everest
········ Heathen - TBA
········ Asphyx - TBA
········ Lacrimosa - TBA
········ Fragile Vastness - TBA
········ Obituary - TBA
········ Be'lakor - TBA
········ Mistweaver - Tales From The Grave
········ Revolution Renaissance - TBA [EP]
········ Mortician - TBA [DVD]
········ Anata - TBA
········ The Project Hate MCMXCIX - TBA
········ Warmen - TBA
········ Arkona - Goi, Rode, Goi!
········ Visceral Bleeding - TBA
········ Kronos - TBA
········ Sonata Arctica - TBA
········ Circle Of Dead Children - Psalm Of The Grand Destroyer
········ Bergraven - Asketens Enda Prydad [Working Title]
········ Wizard - TBA
········ Raintime - TBA
········ Orange Goblin - TBA
········ Vengeful - Tempted By Nightmares [EP]
········ Kamelot - TBA
········ Thy Disease - Anshur-Za
········ Dragonlord - TBA
········ Iron Maiden - TBA
········ Porcupine Tree - TBA [DVD]
········ Natron - TBA
········ Kalmah - TBA
········ Immortal - TBA
········ Indukti - TBA
········ The Wounded - Hail To The King
········ Alarum - Natural Causes
········ Obsidian - TBA
········ Forsaken - After The Fall
········ Armored Saint - TBA
aizmirsu virsrakstu
date: Jan. 10., 2009 - 03:42 pm
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