MOLIA FALLS - a support entery title EP 2008

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Okt. 1., 2008 | 02:31 pm

Parasti man mūzika bez vārdiem nepatīk, bet nu šis būtu izņēmums, ļoti jauks un ritmisks intrumentālis. Pamanīju viņus pie filmiņas Solar.


Postrock, emo-postpop, experimental-instrumental-music, none-vocal
music - the list goes on... Music journalists are coming up with new subgenre names pretty much every day and as we're in the middle of the most important global discussion ever, at least according to some - about the importance not to label bands as something they are not but letting the music speak for itself, there are those who just wish that that was a "sooo last year opinion".
Originally formed in 2001 Swedish instrumental 4-piece Molia Falls are one of those bands where you, if feeling extra creative, have the chance to come up with your own genre name. They're instrumental, but not postrock. Catchy, but not pop. Rock, but no distortion. "Dawson's creek-core"? Don't know...

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