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Jan. 9., 2008 | 09:29 pm

But I never thought buying a Mac would require you to take out a mortgage, as Jason Kottke found out about the newer, faster Mac Pros:

Apple announced newer faster Mac Pros today. They start at $2799 but you can configure them up to several thousand dollars (including software and accessories).

The really expensive bits are the 32 GB of RAM ($9100), the NVIDIA Quadro FX 5600 video card ($2850), the four 15,000 RPM hard drives ($800 each), the two 30" Cinema Displays ($1700 each), a Fibre Channel Card ($1000), and an unlimited-client copy of Mac OS X Server ($999). […]

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Comments {1}

aizmirsu virsrakstu

from: [info]anonims
date: Jan. 10., 2008 - 10:15 am

sarēķināju tava kompja izmaksas. 3000 Ls. arī nesūdīgi :P protams, tas maks maksā n reizes dārgāk, bet nu tur jau arī salikta iekšā kodol-jauda, kuru pilnībā varētu izmantot tikai holivudas filmu specefektu meistari etc.

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