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Nov. 28., 2007 | 02:12 pm
NO - SKAŅA: njah njah njah
SKAŅA: Egils Straume Trio - Smile :::salaspils pagriides radio:::take it slow:::radiospillzz@gmail.com


Client: "What are these lines for?"

Client(same): "Great, it is fast and the bitmaps are clean, loading isfast.... Now... Let's make this thing fullscreen! Don't change thespeed though, I want it to be as fast as this, at high res on a 70 inchdisplay.. Also the bitmaps should look as crisp as now"

Client (same, later): "I want 28.8K users to load the site instantly!"

Client(same, one day before the site is launched): "Allright, we are almostdone... Can we add fullscreen metalic doors opening and closingeverytime user goes to a section?"

Me: "mmhhh... Aren't welaunching tomorrow? I don't think it will look good, and it wouldrequire quite some work to achieve and.." (client cutting me)

> Client (cutting me): "nonono... Just use LoadMovie!"

Client (same, later): "Okay, send me the source files, I will do it myself, it seems really easy"

Me: "I don't think you'll be able to edit the..."

Client(cutting me again): "What is so complicated? I can understand all this!Let me do it, do you really think it is that complicated? It seemspretty easy to me"

After that, I simply dropped the project where it was, sent the source files to the client, and two weeks later:

Client: "I don't understand it..."


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