Sat, May. 16th, 2020, 08:56 am
separate them

"To achieve the desired effect, the subverter must first make idiots out of normal people, and DIVIDE them, before turning the people into a homogenized mass of useful and united idiots. Tanks and missiles mayor may not be needed at final stage. For the time being they are simply the means of terrorizing people into inaction and submission."

Sat, May. 16th, 2020, 10:45 am

"It takes about 15 to 20 years to demoralize a nation. Why that many (or few)? Simple: this is the minimum number of years needed to 'educate' ONE GENERATION of students in a target country (America, for example) and expose them to the ideology of the subverter. It is imperative that any sufficient challenge and counter-balance by the basic moral values and ideology of this country be eliminated. In absence of ANY cohesive and consistent national ideology, the task of the subverter becomes even easier."