Sun, Dec. 19th, 2021, 01:46 am
Here are the timestamps

1:27 - Lab leak
1:00:01 - Gain-of-function research
1:09:32 - Anthony Fauci
1:19:14 - Francis Collins
1:23:56 - Joe Rogan, Brett Weinstein, and Sam Harris
1:53:53 - Xi Jinping
2:08:24 - Patient Zero
2:21:38 - WHO
2:45:28 - Government transparency
3:07:28 - Likelihood of a cover-up
3:09:16 - Future of reproduction
3:44:55 - Jon Stewart
3:50:14 - Joe Rogan and Sanjay Gupta
4:15:19 - Ultramarathons
4:25:21 - Chocolate
4:33:34 - One Shared World
4:48:37 - Hope for the future


*Jamie Frederic Metzl (born around 1968) is an American geopolitical expert, author, a former partner in the global investment company Cranemere LLC, and a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council. He was formerly the Asia Society's Executive Vice President. He developed and led the Asia Society's Asia 21 Young Leaders Initiative

Sun, Dec. 19th, 2021, 12:05 pm
