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10:13p |
Caimimi says FML http://www.fmylife.com/miscellaneous/21010339 Today, I caught my neighbor picking my flowers out of the planter on my porch. When I said something to her, she ran off and knocked over the planter, smashing it. She is now acting like nothing happened. FML |
10:13p |
RustyRuski says FML http://www.fmylife.com/love/21009542 Today, my boyfriend told me that we need to talk. I think he dumped me, but I'm not sure, because he muttered it in Russian and quickly left. FML |
10:13p |
Kayak says FML http://www.fmylife.com/miscellaneous/21009563 Today, I was verbally abused by a tourist because neither I nor anyone else in my country can speak "proper English". We're in England - clue's in the name, dipshit. FML |
10:13p |
HungerStrike says FML http://www.fmylife.com/health/21009569 Today, me and some friends had home-made burgers for lunch. The guy who did the cooking later insisted that spitting in a frying pan is a perfectly acceptable way of guessing the right time to add the oil. FML |
10:13p |
Anonymous says FML http://www.fmylife.com/health/21009861 Today, I ran for the first time in ages when I saw my bus coming. My loose shoe went flying into a shop doorway, and I tripped into the gutter. FML |
10:13p |
LeaveHimAlone says FML http://www.fmylife.com/miscellaneous/21009908 Today, I have to take time off from work to take part in an intervention because my sister's obsession with the guy from Harry Potter has crossed over into illegality. FML |
10:13p |
candidcripple says FML http://www.fmylife.com/health/21010039 Today, while sitting in a handicapped seat on the bus, an old man angrily approached me and chewed me out in front of everyone for not leaving the seat empty for "those who actually need it." Then he stormed off the bus, stepping heavily on my broken foot. FML |
10:13p |
Anonymous says FML http://www.fmylife.com/kids/21010264 Today, my 4-year-old daughter figured out how to set a parental code lock on our television so we can't watch football because it scares her when we scream. She won't tell us no matter what we bribe her with. FML |
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10:13p |
Anonymous says FML http://www.fmylife.com/work/21009463 Today, I was mopping the floor at the hotel I work at. Before I could react, a gentleman stormed through the corridor and slipped and fell on the still wet floor. He complained to the owner, who bitched me out just to satisfy the guy. FML |